A Conversation With Aleister

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Chapter 13

Just then, I awoke in a different room on a different chair. I began to look around me before I saw Aleister walking in the room before sitting opposite me. I then attempted to move but I felt myself strapped to the chair just like in the other room.

"What is this?" I asked.

"A meeting. Nothing more and nothing less," Aleister answered.

"A meeting, really? Normally meetings don't have one person tied up and the other looking smug," I said.

"I'll admit the straps may seem a little drastic but it's for my own safety," Aleister said.

"So if I'm not here to hurt you then why am I here?" I asked.

"Because you and I share something in common," Aleister explained.

"I know. We both have magic, but that's all we have in common," I said.

"Wrong. Not only do we both have magic but I understand you. I was once you. Born with this magic that I couldn't control and I'm here to offer you a chance at learning how to control it," Aleister said.

"I don't need your help. I have Ruth and Paige for that, I don't need anyone else," I said.

"Right, Ruth and Paige. You're family right?" Aleister questioned.

"Yeah they are and what?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, nothing. It's just that I wouldn't put all of your trust into the idea that you are family," Aleister said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Well I have known Ruth for some time and from what I've seen, Ruth always puts Paige first above all else. What if it came down to you and Paige?, do you really think Ruth would save you?" Aleister asked.

"It would never come down to that," I said.

"But what if it did?" Aleister asked.

"I would never make Ruth choose. She loves her daughter and I wouldn't put her through that," I answered.

"So you would just die for them?" Aleister questioned.

"They're my family. I would do anything for them. Now let me go. I want to go back to my room," I said.

"Fine but you should know that if you don't learn how to control your magic then you could hurt those little lives inside of you," Aleister said.

"You forget that I'm not a little girl and I can't be manipulated, especially by you," I said.

"Okay well if you won't practice your magic will you at least eat? For you and your twins," Aleister said offering me food.

"When I see you take the first bite, then I might consider it," I said.

I then watched as he took a bite of chicken before giving me the plate of food. I then accepted it before taking a bite of the chicken and finishing it off in one go. I continued to do this with most of the food before I then put the plate down.

"Good?" Aleister questioned.

"Yes. I would thank you but I'm not sure if that's wise since you're the reason that I'm stuck here," I said.

"No gratitude is necessary," Aleister said.

"Now, let me go back to my room," I said.

"As you wish," Aleister said before getting someone to untie me and getting me out of the chair.

Once they got me out, they began to escort me back to my room before I lifted my hand up and making the chandelier drop on the person, who was escorting me out. I then turned to Aleister and flung him back before running off and out of the room and towards Elena and my room. I then banged on the door and there was no answer. I then went to Savannah's door and began to knock but again there was no answer. I then continued to run for a while, not finding anyone before I began to panic, knocking everything down in sight. I didn't know where to go, what was safe, all I knew was that I had to find a way out.

I continued to run down different halls before I stopped running for a moment and entered a room. I then locked myself in before closing my eyes and beginning to try and Astral Project back home. I then failed before I tried again and failed a second time. I wasn't able to contact anyone. I then immediately got up and rushed out of the room before I finally found the outside and dashed out of the door. I continued to run for some time before several people began attacking me, distracting me from leaving. I then began to fight them before I felt someone inject me with something before I dropped to the floor...

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