Making Contact With Paige And Ruth

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Chapter 18

Moments after leaving the room, I began to look for Elena and Savannah before I found them hiding under a table with Savannah in Elena's arms. I then immediately got them out before we began have a group hug. Just as we did this, Doctor Bauer opened the door after changing back into human form.

"Doctor Bauer?" I asked.

"It's a rabbit. A two-faced rabbit. Oh yeah, you will be my glory," she said, making not a lot of sense.

"She survived," Aleister said as he walked towards us.

"I'm not so sure you can call it that," Elena said.

Aleister then got a sheet and covered Doctor Bauer up.

"What happened to her?, how did she become a wolf?" Savannah asked us.

"I'm so sorry that happened Savannah. I know that you're scared, you don't have to be scared anymore. We'll take you back to your room now; safe and sound," Aleister said.

Once he said this, Elena and I walked Savannah back to her room with some guards before they took Savannah into a room with Aleister and left us outside to watch through the window of the door. As Savannah walked towards Aleister, we began to listen in on the conversation...

"So glad you're alright Savannah," Aleister said.

They then hugged before he said...

"You don't have to worry about Doctor Bauer, she didn't survive," Aleister said as they hugged.

"I want to be with Elena and Kat," Savannah said.

"You have nothing to be afraid of," Aleister said.

"I'm not afraid and I won't be afraid ever again," Savannah said.

Just then, Savannah closed the door with her magic.

"That's my girl. You've come in to your powers, we just have to get one more sample from you," Aleister said.

"Can we just go one night without the test?" Savannah asked.

"I am the lock," Aleister said.

"And I'm the key," Savannah said before a man came over and took one more sample of blood.

After this was over, Elena and I headed back to the rooms before we waited for Savannah to return. We waited for a while until Savannah finally walked in.

"What's happening?, why have they brought you in here?" Elena asked.

"I asked them to," Savannah answered.

"Okay, would you like your choice of a luxurious cot or a super cold concrete floor?" Elena asked.

"The cot," Savannah answered.

She then sat before Savannah said...

"I can get him to make both of your rooms more comfortable if you want?" Savannah offered.

"We don't want to get more comfortable okay? We want to get out of here with you," I answered.

"He wants to do terrible things to you Savannah," Elena said.

"He's teaching me how to protect myself," Savannah said.

"He wants to inject our blood into you. Whatever he's teaching you, use it against him okay? Don't let anyone near you not even us," Elena said.

"Okay, one second. Why does he want to inject both of your bloods into me?" Savannah asked.

"To kill all of the witches, including me," I answered.

"That sounds like the prophecy. You know the son of a witch will kill all the witches but that's just a fairy tale right?" Savannah asked.

"Not to Aleister it isn't. Savannah, can I talk to Ruth through you?" Elena asked.

"I've never done-" Savannah said before Elena interrupted her.

"Please Savannah, if you even think you can, you have to try," Elena said.

"Okay. On the bed," Savannah said to Elena.

They then got onto the bed before Savannah said...

"Paige has to contact me but let's try," Savannah said.

They then put their hands together and got ready to do it before I could tell something was wrong.

"Sorry. Sorry that was an a accident," Savannah apologized.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Savannah saw us kill Malcolm," Elena answered.

"Oh Savannah, that may seem bad but we had to do it," I said.

"We did that to protect our family and we would kill to protect you okay? We're going to get out of here Savannah. We did what had to be done okay?" Elena asked.

Savannah nodded before she said...

"I'll keep an open channel for Paige," Savannah said.

"Okay good," Elena said.

After some time had past, Savannah said...

"Paige is trying to contact me," Savannah said.

"Okay, let's do this," Elena said before getting ready to talk with Ruth.

She then put her hands on Savannah's and began to contact Ruth. As she did this, Elena began to tell them where we were before I began to feel lightheaded. As Elena saw this, she immediately let go of Savannah's hands and let Savannah talk to Ruth. She then turned to me and said...

"Kat, are you okay?" Elena asked.

"Yeah, I'm just a little lightheaded," I answered.

"Maybe you should take a seat?" Elena offered, getting up and letting me take her place.

"Thanks," I said as I began to walk over to it.

However, as I did this I immediately felt a deep weakening in my legs before collapsing on the floor...

The New Witch ~ Nick Sorrentino {Book 2}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz