Saving Savannah

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Chapter 17

After some time had gone by, all of a sudden, Aleister knocked on the glass, alerting Elena and I immediately before Aleister then took us out of there and along the corridor to the room that I was in before. Once we walked in the room, Aleister walked in with us before saying...

"So tell me, what did Doctor Bauer say?" Aleister asked.

"She's dying," Elena answered.

"You know that's not what I mean," Aleister said, turning his back for a moment.

Just when we saw our chance, Elena and I began to run towards him before he lifted his hand up and froze us before turning to face us and beginning to move us before saying...

"An assassination attempt," Aleister said.

He then put us in chairs before saying...

"Of course you'd have to try. What good are you as werewolves if you don't? I should not have survived in the first place but I did and I will show them," Aleister said.

"The witches?, maybe you need a counsellor more than a compound," I said.

"What I need is amends. This is not a sad story, this is a tale of victory. How I was cast out and the church who found me on the doorstep, found me a family. A family that raised me in the fire and brimstone of the holy book, hands held around the dinner table, saying grace and for that grace that was brought in our lives. Then something changed, I changed. Suddenly around the age of twelve I could do things. Move a cup across the table, make me cat bleed to death just by thinking about it. They didn't understand, they thought that I was possessed. How do you get the devil out off a boy?, you can try and beat it out. My father had a particular technique, a belt buckle that said faith and he used to beat his faith into me every single day," Aleister explained.

He then got up and took off his shirt, showing us the marks on his back from the belt buckle before putting it back on and saying...

"When I had enough, I did to my father what I did to that cat. I'd hate to have to do that to the both of you so tell me what did Doctor Bauer say?" Aleister asked.

"That you're going to inject our blood into Savannah. If you do, you'll kill her," I said.

"No. Savannah is the chosen one, it won't kill her but it will all the others, including you Kat. You're all connected on a spiritual nexus, I just need to infect one of you. Do you know how you wipe out an invasive species?, you introduce a predator," Aleister explained.

All of a sudden, the door opened and a man stood there at the doorway, bringing our immediate attention.

"Doctor Bauer's escaped," he said.

We then immediately got up before heading out of the room and to the room that we left Doctor Bauer in. We then dashed down the halls before entering the room and seeing that she had killed someone with blood covering the floor.

"Doctor Bauer survived," Aleister said.

"Yeah she did but she's out there and hungry," Elena said.

"So let her eat," Aleister said.

Just then, we heard someone screaming.

"That's Savannah," I said, getting ready to run off before a guard stopped us.

"Look, you have go to let us out of here. Right now, we are you're best bet at saving her," Elena said to Aleister.

"Doctor Bauer knows how important the girl is to me," Aleister said.

"A predator just sees prey and that is exactly what Savannah will look like to her," I said.

"Go. Stop her," Aleister said before we ran off to go find Savannah.

After some time of running, we finally entered a room and found another body dead with blood scattered everywhere. We then began to walk through the room before we heard Savannah scream again. Elena and I then ran out of the room and down the hall to save Savannah. Once we entered the room that Savannah was in, Elena and I immediately walked along before finally finding Savannah. We then walked forward some more until we finally found Doctor Bauer as a werewolf. She began to growl at us for a moment before Savannah said...

"Elena. Kat, help me please," Savannah said.

"Savannah don't move," I said as we walked towards Doctor Bauer

"I know you can understand us, you don't want to hurt the girl, she is too important," Elena said to Doctor Bauer.

"Just go, change back, we can help you," I said before knocking a bunch of crates onto Doctor Bauer.

Once we did this, Elena and I immediately rushed to Savannah and said...

"Quick, jump over. We're getting you out of here," Elena said to her as we got her out of the stacks of crates.

I then took a piece of wood and got ready to defend myself against Doctor Bauer as she jumped onto a crate, ready to attack us.

"Run," I said to Elena and Savannah before they left the room.

As they left, Doctor Bauer began to growl at me before I said...

"Stop fighting. Focus on changing back," I said to her.

"Back away," a man said behind me.

I then turned around and saw it was one of Aleister's minions before saying...

"Oh you've got to be kidding me," I said.

Suddenly, just as Doctor Bauer got ready to attack me, I grabbed the man and put him in front of me before we knocked to the ground and she began to bite him. I then watch as she killed him as blood splatted at my face before I moved his body out of the way and ran out of the room, closing it behind me...

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