Arriving Back At Stonehaven

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Chapter 2

After Joey left, Nick and I began to pack, getting ready to head back to Stonehaven. Once we had done this, Nick began to dial on his phone Logan's number before placing it against his ear, I then began to listen in to the ringing before Logan said...

"You find Rachel?" Logan asked.

"No, I shouldn't be calling you without Jeremy knowing but we've got a possible lead on Malcolm," Nick said.

"Where?" Logan asked.

"Look, there's no guarantee that Malcolm has Rachel okay?" Nick asked.

"What are you talking about?, of course he does. He was there at Stonehaven right when she went missing," Logan said.

"I hear you, I'm just saying there's no guarantee that she'll be there," Nick said.

"Just where?, coming on!" Logan ordered.

"Rochester. Sixty three access, road five. Are you close?" Nick asked.

"No I'm nowhere near Rochester," Logan answered.

"Clay and Elena will be there in an hour, if anything changes, I'll let you know," Nick said before hanging up.

Once he hung up, Nick and I headed out of the door with our bags and to my car before putting our stuff away. After we done this, Nick and I headed into the car before I drove off down the street back to Stonehaven. As we headed down the street, I began to feel a little hungry, making me whether I should stop and get something. I then turned to Nick and said...

"Hey, you hungry?" I asked.

"I could eat," Nick answered.

"Shall I pull over and pick up something?" I asked.

"As long as it's takeout sure," Nick answered.

"Okay, let's do this," I said before pulling over to a diner and parking the car.

I then unbuckled my seatbelt and got ready to get out before I said...

"So hey, what do you want?" I asked.

"No way. I'm coming with you," Nick said.

"Nick I'm pregnant, not disabled," I said.

"Is it wrong that I want to spend some more time with the love of my life and our kids before we go back to Stonehaven?" Nick asked.

"I guess not," I said before we kissed and headed out of the car.

We then walked into the diner and ordered a some burgers and fries before we headed back into my car and drove off. We began to eat while I drove before, all of a sudden, we arrived back at Stonehaven. After doing this, we began unpacking the car before we both headed inside the house.

"Kat you've popped. Glad to see you and the babies happy and healthy," Jeremy said to me.

"Thank you," I said before we quickly hugged for a moment and we headed inside.

I then placed my bags on the floor with Nick by the stairs before Nick said...

"So, you heard anything from Clay and Elena?" Nick asked Jeremy.

"It was carnage at the house. No sign of Malcolm or Rachel," Jeremy answered.

"I'm just going to head upstairs and unpack," I said.

I then picked up the bags before Nick said...

"You sure you can manage by yourself?" Nick asked.

"I'll be okay," I answered before heading up the stairs with the bags.

Once I got upstairs, I put our bags on the floor and began unpacking before taking a look my room. It had been a long time since I had been in here and it began to bring up a lot of memories. I then smiled, looking around the room before I unpacked everything and left the room. I then headed down the stairs before I headed into the kitchen and heard Nick on the phone to Clay and Elena before hanging up and saying to me...

"We've got to go fly to Louisiana to find Malcolm," Nick said.

"Okay let's go," I said.

We then walked out with Jeremy and drove to the airport before getting a ticket and flying out to Louisiana. After arriving there, Nick, Jeremy and I got in the car and used the coordinates that Clay had set us before we finally reached the place to meet with Logan, Clay and Elena so we could capture Malcolm...

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