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Chapter 24

Once I had finally got there, I stopped the car outside of the restaurant that Nick's mother worked at. I then watched as Nick took one look at the restaurant and immediately knew what I was doing before Nick said...

"No way. I'm not going to see her," Nick said.

"Nick please. You don't even have to talk to her, we can just see what she's like. Please Nick, you'll regret it if you don't," I said.

"I can't do that to her," Nick said.

"Nick, she's your mother. Aren't you just a little curious as to what she's like?" I asked.

"Fine," Nick said.

I then smiled before Nick and I got out of my car and headed inside the restaurant. As we headed inside, we began to see many waitresses around us and not one of them was Lily. Seeing this, I told Nick to take a seat at a table while we waited for Lily to appear. After some time of waiting, I saw Nick's eyes stop before he said...

"That's her," Nick said.

I then turned around and immediately saw a woman standing around a table and cleaning it up. I could immediately tell that she was Lily as she looked so much like Nick. He had her eyes and hair. He looked so much like her it was unreal. After some time of looking at her, I finally decided it was time to talk to her so I then grabbed a menu and got up.

"Kat," Nick whispered as I left.

I then ignored him and continued to walk over to the table to talk with Lily.

"Excuse me, would it be okay if I moved tables?, it's just it's better and brighter by the window?," I wondered.

"Yeah, not a problem. Are you alone?" Lily asked me.

"No my boyfriend will be joining me eventually," I answered as I sat.

"And I can see you're pregnant, congratulations," Lily said.

"Thank you. My boyfriend is also the father of my children," I said.

"Twins?, even more congratulations," Lily said.

"Thank you," I said.

"So, you're boyfriend?, where is he?" Lily asked.

"He's over there," I said, pointing over to Nick.

"He's your boyfriend?" Lily questioned.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Well come on over, I won't bite," Lily said to Nick.

Nick then got up and walked towards us before saying...

"Hi, I'm Nick," Nick said to Lily, introducing himself.

"Pleased to meet you Nick. I'm Lily. I'll be right back to take your order," Lily said.

"Thanks," I said before she left.

Once she left, Nick sat down and began to have the most panicked look on his face. Seeing this, I immediately put my hand over his and said...

"Hey, it will be okay, just be yourself," I said.

Nick nodded before Lily returned, wondering what our order was. We then quickly ordered some food before Lily went off to tell the chef. Minutes later, Lily returned with our meals and sat with us as Nick and I began to learn more and more about her, I could tell he was never more happy then right now. He had waited for so long to meet his mother and now he finally was and I could tell this was one of the best things that ever happened to him. After some time, Lily began to tell us a story before Nick said...

"Don't tell me he was naked?" Nick questioned.

"As the day he was born," Lily said.

"No he wasn't," Nick said.

Lily then laughed before saying...

"The wife is trying to pull on her clothes out here, my boss runs away, the husband finds him hiding in the meat locker holding a frozen brisket for himself," Lily explained.

Nick and I began to laugh before I said...

"That's why the boss sold the restaurant?" I asked.

"You kind of have to leave town if you're caught sleeping with the Mayor's wife," Lily said.

"Yeah," I said.

"So, what made you decide to buy it then?" Nick asked.

"It was time. When I was seventeen um, I lost my fiance and my baby," Lily answered.

"That's awful," I said.

"It's hard to explain what happened when the truth is they just disappeared; at least from my life. I waited for a long time, hoping they'd turn up, hoping I would get a second chance but it never happened and I realized I had to take control of my life so I brought the restaurant," Lily explained.

"And you got married," Nick said, looking at Lily's finger and seeing the engagement ring.

"No, as corny as it sounds, he was the love of my life. This is our engagement ring," Lily showed me.

I then began to look at it before she said...

"One day, who knows, maybe he'll come back. Listen to me, I've a- you were just passing through, I've kept you long enough," Lily said.

"No, no," Nick said.

"If we wanted to stay the night..." I said before pausing.

"Oh there's a B&B at the North End Main Street," Lily said, getting up.

"Okay," I said.

"You can't miss it. It was really nice talking with you," Lily said.

"You too," I said.

"You too," Nick said.

Lily then smiled before leaving us at the table all alone...

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