Returning Back To Elena's Room

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Chapter 19

All of a sudden, I awoke up in a chair with all kinds of medical equipment around me. It wasn't the same one that Doctor Bauer was originally working in and experimenting on us, which made me wonder how to get out of there. As I attempted to move, I saw loads of different tubes on me, one for my nose and then there was one in my arm. I immediately attempted to move before some doctors came in and began to inject my stomach with something.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Just relax miss. You are still very weak," one of them said.

I sat there and began to panic before someone came over and inject me with something, causing me to pass out again.

After some hours had gone by, I awoke again and this time I wasn't going to sleep again. I immediately took out the tubes and walked out of the door before a doctor came up to me and said...

"Glad you're up. I was just going to send you back to your room," she said.

"Okay well I'll just head back," I said before two men escorted me back to my room.

I then stopped at Elena's room before heading in and the men leaving me there.

"Kat, you're okay!" Elena exclaimed, rushing to me instantly.

I then hugged her and said...

"Yeah I guess I was just a little lightheaded," I said.

We then let go and I began to look around the room for a moment and I saw no one there.

"Hey, where's Savannah?" I asked.

"They took her," Elena answered.

"Oh my god, when?" I asked.

"Shortly after they took you," Elena answered.

"What do you think Aleister is doing to her?" I asked.

"I don't know but whatever it is, it can't be good," Elena said.

Once she said this, Elena and I began to walk up and down, waiting for Savannah to return. On After some time had gone by, the finally opened and Elena and I immediately sat on her bed before Aleister walked in.

"Kat, you're okay," Aleister said as he walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Why do you care?" I asked.

"I don't but Savannah is a sensitive girl and for some reason she's grown attached to both of you. She can feel both of you from across the compound and I need her to concentrate," Aleister explained.

"For what?" Elena asked.

"The undoing. I want her to be calm, which requires both of you to be calm," Aleister answered.

"You're losing control. If she can sense us, that means she knows that we won't let you go through with it," I said.

Aleister then used his magic and began to lay us down on the bed before sitting by us and saying...

"You werewolves are such an interesting species. I wish I could spend more time figuring out which spells work on both of you and which don't. The most powerful werewolves," Aleister said.

"We're not the most powerful," Elena said.

"I didn't know how powerful I was until someone showed me. The only male witch and the only two female werewolves. We all have so much in common," Aleister said.

"We have nothing in common with you," I said.

"I wonder what it would take to break both of you. Maybe you both need to break yourselves," Aleister said.

He then said something in a different language before putting his fingers on our foreheads for a moment before saying...

"It will all soon be over," Aleister said as he arose.

We then watched as he headed towards the door before turning to us and saying...

"Enjoy your day," Aleister said before leaving the room.

Once he did this, Elena and I looked at each other, wondering what he just did for a moment. We then got up for a moment before falling to the ground in pain...

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