Saving Clay

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Chapter 30

Once we arrived, Jeremy, Nick, Elena and I all headed out of the car and headed inside the foundry, looking for Clay. As we headed in there, Jeremy pushed opened the gates and began to walk fast, knowing we had to find Clay immediately.

"His scent is here but it's weak," I said as we walked along.

"We need to spilt up," Jeremy said.

"How do we stop him?" Nick asked.

"I don't want either one of you to do what needs to be done. Find him and I'll finish this," Jeremy said.

"Hey, Jeremy, what aren't you telling us?" Elena asked as we stopped.

Jeremy then stopped and turned around before Elena said...

"You are hiding something from us, I can see it," Elena said.

"Clay, as we know him is gone," Jeremy said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The possession spell is fatal, Ruth made it very clear that it was dark magic. When Aleister took over Clay's body, he destroyed Clay's soul," Jeremy said.

"No. No Jeremy, I saw Aleister take over Clay's body and it didn't look like Clay's soul died," I said.

"What you saw was wrong, if there was any other option we would be taking it. He's gone and the only way for us to stop Aleister now is to kill Clay," Jeremy said.

"Jeremy that is not going to happen," Elena said.

"What if we find Aleister's body and just kill it instead?" Nick wondered.

"It's not going to bring Clay back, that will just lock Aleister in Clay's body forever," Jeremy said.

"Okay then we do that. We trap him, we hold him in the cage and we wait. Clay is strong Jeremy, he can fight this, okay? I know he can, he will," Elena said.

"That's not going to be Clay in that cage and you're going to wait for the rest of your life but he's gone Elena. Clay is dead and we have to accept that, we've lost him and I'm sorry. Stay here, I will deal with this alone," Jeremy said as he got ready to leave.

Just as he did this, Nick grabbed his shoulder and said...

"No. Aleister killed my brother and he needs to die. You tell me how," Nick said.

"If you find him, you take him under the circulese and you finish him there. That's what you do and that is the only way we can avenge what happened Clay," Jeremy said before walking off.

"I don't know if I can do this guys," Elena said.

"You just stick with us and you won't have to. Come on," Nick said as we walked off to find Aleister.

We began to look everywhere we could, searching the entire of the foundry until all of a sudden, I heard a loud noise. It began to sound like fighting and the more I walked closer to it, the louder it became.

"Hey, do you guys hear that?" I asked.

"Hear what?" Elena asked.

"Fighting. I can hear it," I answered.

I then began to walk closer and closer until I finally figured out who it was.

"It's Jeremy and Aleister!" I shouted before running down the hall and towards the sound with Elena and Nick following behind.

I continued for a while until we finally rushed in the room and saw Jeremy fighting with Aleister, still as Clay before Jeremy got ready to stab Aleister in the stomach.

"Stop!" Elena shouted as we rushed in.

Jeremy then stabbed him before we all reached him and Nick began to hold Elena back.

"Please. Jeremy please," Elena begged.

We watched Aleister in pain before all of a sudden, he began to take his shirt off.

"Something's happening. He's changing," Elena said.

"I have to kill him Elena," Jeremy said.

"What if it's Clay? Aleister wasn't able to control us as wolves. What if Clay can change?" Elena asked.

"If that is Aleister in Clay's wolf form then he's going to kill us all Elena," Jeremy said.

"Please," Elena said as she dropped to the floor.

He then continued to change for a while, making us wonder if he was Aleister of Clay until finally he was in wolf form.

"Clay, you're alive. It's him," Elena said.

We all looked deeply relieved before Elena began to make contact with Clay.

"If Clay's alive, does that mean Aleister is dead?" Nick asked in a whisper.

We then all wondered that before Clay turned back to human form and we headed back to Clay's car. After we reached the car, we all began to get in until all of a sudden, I felt a strong wind rush over me. I stood there for a moment before it passed and I then fell in Nick's arms.

"Kat, are you okay?" Nick asked.

"I'm fine," I answered as he helped lift me up.

I then turned to him before I saw blood began to drop to the floor.

"Kat, you're bleeding," Nick said.

I then immediately wiped my nose before Nick said...

"What's happening?" Nick asked.

"It's the beginning of the end," I answered.

We then stood there in fear as we both knew that this was the end of all witches around the world; including me...

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