The Return Of The Witches

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Chapter 9

After some time of sitting there and waiting for Ruth and Paige to come, all of a sudden I heard the a noise coming from the walnuts in the bowl. I then saw Ruth's ring jump out of the bowl and begin to slide across the table. I then followed it out of the room before it slid across the floor, towards the front door. As I continued to follow it, Jeremy then saw it and picked it up before holding it tight in his hand and following it's direction. He then continued to walk forward before realizing that they were here. They were outside; waiting for the ring to come out of the door.

"Show yourselves," Jeremy said.

"We come in peace," Ruth said as Paige and herself walked to face us outside.

"You come empty handed," Jeremy said.

"I've no clue what you're talking about," Ruth said.

"Malcolm Danvers, I want him back," Jeremy said.

"Well you're not getting him," Paige said.

"Then you're not getting this ring, which I assume is important to you since you came back for it," Jeremy said, showing the ring for a second before hiding it again in his hand.

Paige then lifted her hand and began to move Jeremy along and to the back of the hall. Ruth and Paige then walked in before Jeremy said...

"Stop this right now!" Jeremy demanded.

Paige then lifted him in the air and turned him to her.

"Paige release him," Ruth said.

"I'm only fighting fire with fire," Paige said.

"Stop," I said.

"Freya it's okay, he won't be harmed," Ruth said.

"I don't think you heard me. I said STOP!" I yelled before somehow activating my magic and making everybody fling to the walls before dropping to the ground.

"Jeremy," Clay called, running down the stairs with Elena.

Clay then helped Jeremy up as Paige and Ruth arose back up before Ruth grabbed her ring and put it back on while I began to stare my hands, scared of what I had just done.

"I'm so sorry," I said.

"That's alright Freya. I thought that bringing back your memories might make you remember how strong you actually are. Your mother thought the same. She knew you were strong; we all did," Ruth said.

"Look, the original female werewolf," Paige said to Ruth, talking about Elena.

"We've heard of your existence but to actually see you," Ruth said.

"She seems just as barbaric as the rest of them," Paige said.

"What did you just say?" Elena asked Paige, getting angry.

She then stepped forward before Jeremy stopped her from taking another step.

"What have you done with Malcolm?" Jeremy asked.

"We asked for your pack's help, you wouldn't give it," Ruth said.

"So we did what any decent witch would do, we went and we helped ourselves," Paige explained.

"Without understanding the importance of someone you took," Jeremy said.

"Oh we understand all too well. He's going to be the thing that saves our girl Savannah. We should be on our way," Ruth said, getting ready to walk off.

Just then, Nick and Logan arrived back. Nick then attempted to walk off before Paige said...

"Uh huh, you stay in our eye line," Paige said.

"They have Malcolm," Clay said.

"Well let's go get him," Nick said.

"Nick," Jeremy said.

"We need him. We need him to lure this demon who calls himself Aleister Vi," Ruth said.

"How do you know he wants Malcolm?" Jeremy asked.

"We can communicate with Savannah. That's how we know about Aleister and that there is a werewolf on the compound that gave up Malcolm's name. They attacked his house in Rochester but he escaped," Ruth said.

"But as dangerous as your werewolf may be he pails in comparison to Aleister," Paige said.

"Savannah has been through so much. She's impressionable. This monster abducted her right from our home. A twelve year old girl," Ruth said.

"We'll help you find your little girl then we want Malcolm back," Jeremy said.

"Oh now you want to play," Ruth said.

"I don't want to play, I just want Malcolm and this seems to be the only way I'm going to get him. Now if Aleister shows up then the followers are going to need our assistance. They're brutal fighters, we've seen the evidence," Jeremy said.

"Our plan is to entice him. We'll use Malcolm as the lure, once we contain Aleister then we will force him to take us to our girl," Ruth said.

"And we get Malcolm," Elena said.

"As you wish. We'll have no further use for him," Ruth said.

Jeremy then turned to Logan, Nick and me before saying...

"You three go with them now and the rest of us will follow shortly," Jeremy said.

"I'm so glad you decided to be on our side," Ruth said.

"There are no sides, we're all just trying to get what we want," Jeremy said.

"Let's go girls," Ruth said before walking off.

We then followed Ruth out with Nick and Logan following behind, ready to go get prepared for capturing Aleister and saving Savannah...

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