The Press ( Revamped)

Start from the beginning

" I can't say I know what's in store for the future but children wouldn't be a bad idea one day either. I just hope to continue being in such a good space with my husband. There's a lot of things I want for us all but I wish for happiness the most. T'Challa and I want the same things for Wakanda. There's always room for improvement. We never want to be in the mentality of " If it's broke don't fix it " because I feel that's fear. It's fear for failure, it's fail for error. We can't say that we are the best reign over Wakanda but we can say that our intentions are pure and we care deeply about our people and we will do absolutely everything in our power to push Wakanda to it's fullest potential ", I explained. The audience applauded.

" We'd like to roll into your highness's speech. If we could have silence in the room please ", the interviewer left the stage and the room fell quiet again. I crossed my legs and sat beside him patiently waiting for him to stand up at the podium and speak. All that could be heard in the room was the sound of cameras flashing or people clearing their throats.

" First and foremost I'd like the thank the people of Wakanda for being so patient with me and my wife these past few months. The death of my father was so abrupt and so difficult for us all. It took so long to find the man who did this, that I often questioned everyone and everything around me. However,  just three days ago the search ended. Tonight, I will tell the story of who did this to not only my father, but thousands of other innocent people. The man who killed my father and countless others goes by the name Baron Zemo. This needle in a haystack of a man blended so effortlessly into the background. He was non threatening, plain, and the least bit of intimidating. He used his appearance to his advantage. All he had was glasses, a laptop and a tapered cut. Even the color of his hair was plain. When I left to the United States I went through countless people to get to Zemo. Every time I'd finish a mission, it would lead me one step closer to the man behind the mask but I often times felt like I had failed. It was a shot in the dark coming to a foreign land for a man I hadn't seen before. Everyday that went by my hatred gnawed at the back of my head slowly spreading over me, rotting me. I felt that I would lose my mind but I couldn't tell my wife- I couldn't tell anyone. I was trying my best to keep a brave face on but for the first time in my life I truly experienced what hatred felt like. To not know where he was and to go out of my way looking for him soon made me cold and uncooperative. I was loosing my touch of compassion, and humanity which are the very two things my father T'Chaka taught me to have in this life. As you know the herb grants each black panther with the ability to sense others emotions. While it's used mostly in combat, it helps me understand what others simply can't express. I could feel that slipping through my fingers like quicksand. Later on I soon found myself in Russia where everything seemed to climax. Here I was, FINALLY approaching the man who killed my father. Before I'd even saw him, I almost killed the wrong man. When I approached him I told him how hard it was to find him. Guess what he followed it up with ? A sob story. I'm sure he had been through a lot and I'm sure that some rather unjust things happened to him. Besides, any man who does heinous crimes has to be already be broken inside himself. Yet here he was, a man who had lost everything and was willing to do anything. I soon realized that I did not want to end up like him and though I was far from it, it didn't mean I wasn't susceptible to that level of insanity. As he was telling me his story I saw him reach for his gun, not aware that I was paces ahead of him. I swatted the gun out of his hand and put him into a headlock. I thought I was going to be complete this mission. After all these months I spent away from the love of my life, my mother and sister, my friends and the people of wakanda I soon realized the bigger picture. Vengeance had consumed him, but I would no longer let it consume me. The true punishment of this man, was living and breathing every single day. Living was the last thing he wanted to do and so I made it him do it. I locked him up, for the rest of his days waiting and waiting for the end. If I had killed Zemo, it wouldn't have replaced my father. Zemo got the easy way out if I had pulled the trigger. When you kill the person who has hurt you the most, it doesn't get better & there is no true resolve. The loss of the loved one still resides inside of you for the rest of your days. I had to make a decision and a quick one so I restrained him and brought him back with me to Wakanda...blindfold and all. To have self control is to care about oneself. He will never know the love I have ", T'Challa momentarily paused and looked back at me and I smiled with tears glinting in my eyes. I was shocked to know just how much pain he was going through without telling me.

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