If only she knew.

Not that I wanted her knowing in that much detail.

"So Amy, have you finished packing? We're leaving at lunch remember," asked my mother as she washed up some pans in the sink.

"Erm...just about. I'll go finish it in a minute." I replied, smiling at my mother. She nodded in agreement as I put my now empty plate in the dishwasher.

"Are you excited then sis?"

I turned around to Luke, who was still sat next to Niall. I caught eyes with Niall for a moment and he smiled before I looked away hurriedly. We had to be so careful around my family. This holiday was going to be so hard!

"Yes I am. It's going to be great to relax and have some fun with everyone."

The last two weeks of my life had been crazy! I was just finishing my half yearly exams this morning, before we leave to go to the lake house. Stress was high on my radar, which was why I was looking forward to some good relaxing time. It also gave me some time to be with Niall. He had been great over the last few weeks. Niall had helped me study for all my exams while at the same time, kept my stress levels down by letting me steal a kiss or two.

Basically the benefits of having a teacher as a boyfriend have made sure I've done pretty well in all my exams. My last exam actually happened to be Drama. It was at 9:30 this morning and went till 11:00. Niall was only going to school because of the exam as he has to supervise it. He had the rest of the day off, so we could all leave in good time for the holiday. The next two weeks is going to be amazing!

I sat at the table again and Niall quizzed me on dramatic techniques in various plays that we had studied until I heard a knock at the door. I jumped up to get it and found Alex stood on the doorstep, laden with a large suitcase and an even bigger grin on her face.

"Alex!" I yelled as I pulled her in for a hug. We hadn't seen each other much over the exam period, so it felt great to see her here now.

"AMY!" She yelled back twice as loud, before returning my hug twice as hard. We both laughed loudly before she fully entered the house, suitcase in tow.

"I haven't seen you in so long!" She fussed as I put her case by the door with everyone else's. The only one absent was my own. Even Jenny was packed before me; and that's saying something.

I laughed and hugged her again. "I know, it's just been so busy with exams." I said and she gave me a look.

"Oh yes exams... and loads of private tutoring?" She smirked and I blushed.

"Shut up..." I complained light heartedly and she laughed winking at me.

"Don't worry babe, I don't blame you. If I had a superhot Irish boyfriend tutoring me I wouldn't complain." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"You know all you have to do is ask... don't you Alex?" Came a voice near the doorway. I looked over Alex's shoulder to see Niall casually leaning against the door frame. He winked when Alex caught his eye; making her blush and stutter. I fell into a fit of giggles and Alex left the room, rolling her eyes at us again. I smiled as Niall approached me.

"Are you ready?" He asked me as he wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me against him. I rolled my eyes.

"Did my mother seriously send you in here to check if I had packed yet? Honestly I..." Is started to complain but was hushed when Niall placed a finger against my lips; silencing me.

"I meant are you ready for your exam, silly." He smiled and I laughed, finally understanding. I nodded.

"I guess so, but my minds not really in an exam frame of mind right now. With leaving this afternoon and you looking like you stepped out of a vogue magazine, even though it's like 8:30 in the morning... my minds only on one thing." I answered, staring at his captivating blue eyes. He really did look so good today, in his skinny jeans, white singlet and blue over shirt.

Niall smirked and cocked an eyebrow, "and what would that be?"

Instead of answering, I pressed my lips against his. Niall responded immediately, his hands slipping to grip my waist as mine went to his hair. He deepened the kiss as his tongue grazed along my bottom lip. I happily allowed him to explore my mouth before he pulled away, slowly.

He rested his forehead against mine and kissed my nose playfully. I giggled and he smiled. "Do you think you've got it out of your system? Time to focus."

"Probably not but I'll try not to stare too much while you're sat there supervising the exam." I grinned cheekily and he chuckled, kissing me once more before pulling away. He fished his keys out of his pocket.

"I'll see you soon. Just try your best." He was about to turn away before he came back over to me and whispered in my ear.

"I know you'll be fine, and remember..." He looked right into my eyes. " ... I love you." He kissed me for a third time before exiting the room completely. To be truthful my head was spinning but I felt like I could get through the exam.


Ten minutes later, I had finally packed; so Alex and I hopped into the car and headed to school. Alex had a textiles exam this morning at the same time as me. We spent the ride quizzing each other with random facts and palm cards. By the time we arrived at the school, I had pushed Niall out of my head and was fully focussed.

I didn't look at him once when we entered the gym, just keeping my eyes locked on finding the right paper to sit at. I heard him tell us to start and that we had five minutes reading time, but I tried not to focus on his captivating accent, I just read the essay questions over and over in my head. I was ready to start the exam as I waited for Niall to tell us to start, but instead a female voice echoed through the gym; I tensed at the voice that I recognised.

"Ok everyone you may start your exam, you have ninety minutes. Good luck." I slowly looked up and my hunch was correct. Miss Mathews had her back to me as she walked back to where Niall was casually sat in his chair.

I watched her sit down and they started having a whispered conversation... the woman getting a little too close to my boyfriend's lips for my liking. Niall had told me that she hadn't mentioned the kiss from the other week and he had made sure to be simply platonic towards her, but that didn't mean she didn't cause the little green monster to erupt inside of me.

I looked back down at my exam and tried to start writing. But I kept looking up.

I couldn't stop looking up.

The fourth time I did so, I almost stopped breathing. My eyes welled up as I watched her lean over and fix his messy fringe, pushing it to the side slightly. Even worse was when she lingered her hand there for longer than necessary and Niall whispered in her ear; sending her a sweet smile.

I looked down at my paper as the drops began to fall. As my tears fell onto the exam, my heart began to shatter; all thoughts of the essays flying from my mind.


Would it help if i offered this long update and another long update tomorrow? Seem fair?

Gosh i am sorry. My life just got overhwlmed recently and ive finally managed to balance it all out. I will at least be updatig once a week but im hoping for twice! even more if i get time! please do understand im in year 12 and its hella busy for me at the monment! :D

I do love you all so much and please stay loyal to this story. I havent had time to do a shoutout this week so ill just do a book recomendation.

My Brother's Best Friend by @ Mollydx3

Its available on Wattpad, and holy crap! I couldnt stop reading it! i literally never put it down from start to finish! :D

Thank you for that amazing read and go and check her out!

xoxox i love you and and im sorry again!

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