CH 66: No Contradictions Allowed

Start from the beginning

Geez, he can be a little scary when he wants to be. Aren't I the older brother here? Isn't he supposed to do what I tell him too? This isn't a good sign if he's already bossing me around and I'm letting him have his way.

Regaining my train of thought, I turn my attention back to the police and repeat Yo's story. They listen, asking no questions and when I finish they thank us for our time and start to leave the room.

"Uhm, Officers," I must ask, "what about our attacker?"

"We'll make every effort to find them. Try not to worry too much and just focus on your recovery."

Nodding my head in understanding, I say, "Thank you."



After the policemen left, I plopped down in the chair next to Park's bed and heave a huge sigh of relief. Thank goodness that's over.

I feel warm breath wash over my ear and receive a hard nip on it, before I hear Pha's quiet words, "Just wait till I get you home. You definitely deserve a spanking after that misuse of your powers." A shiver runs down my spine at his words, but I grin in satisfaction and relief knowing it worked.

"What now?" Park asks interrupting my moment with Pha.

"Now? Well, I hadn't really thought about it."

"Oh." He replies, sounding disappointed at my words.

Taking a moment to think, I tell him, "First, you need to get better and get out of the hospital. We still have the school semester we need to finish. Then, well, I'm not sure. Do we need to have plans beyond that right now?"

"No. I guess not." Park responds.

"N'Yo, it's time to go home and get cleaned up. You need some real rest. Ok?" I start to say something, but Pha stops me, "No. You wanted to come, and I brought you. You can see he not only survived, but that he will recover. So, no more arguments."

Pha has been pretty tolerant, I don't want to push him too much more over this issue. I need him pliant for when I start making plans that include Park. "Fine, we can go home. For now."



We made it home from the hospital and I coaxed Yo into a hot shower as soon as we walked in the door. Afterwards I made him eat lunch, then convinced him to get some sleep. He was exhausted. He just wasn't willing to admit it. However, once his head hit the pillow he was out like a light. I'm sitting on his couch right now watching him sleep a little restlessly as I listen to his soft snores.

I can't seem to stop thinking about what happened yesterday afternoon. It keeps playing in my mind over and over again. I came close to losing Yo even after our careful planning because of that bitch Pring.

My thoughts move on to Park. What am I going to do about Park?

Yo agreed to let me take him home from the hospital, but I know this won't be the end of his relationship with Park. Actually, I feel like this is going to be just the beginning. I can see the determined expression in Yo's eyes every time he looks at Park. He's already calling him his brother and thinking of him as family, which makes me unsure if I will be able to separate them in the future without hurting Yo.

I don't trust Park and I don't like him. He might have had a change of heart while he was here, but realizing he needed to do the right thing does not suddenly make him a good person. Patience is what's needed here. I'll have to wait and see how everything plays out. I should probably also talk to Forth, Beam, Kit and Ming and get their advice on him. I'm sure Charong has an opinion too.

"P'Pha..." I hear Yo call softly, puling me from my dark thoughts.

"Yes, baby." I answer as I move to the bed.

"Can you please come to bed? I need you with me."

Standing, I get undressed and join him in bed. He rolls into my arms and drifts back to sleep while I hold onto him tightly.



Pha and I visited Park every day at the hospital. He wouldn't let me go alone. When he was released on Monday, we were there to pick him up and take him to his dorm room.

Pha still dislikes Park and I didn't think that feeling will burn off any time soon. However, he tolerates me seeing my brother, if for no other reason than it makes me happy. I love him so much for that and I'm thankful also. I think he knows I won't risk damaging my relationship with him to have a connection with my brother, but I want and need both of them in my life. I just have to find a balance that satisfies us all.

Park is still confused by my acceptance of him, but I don't know how to explain it any better than I already have. He protected me. He saved me. He chose me when he didn't have too, and I love him for it. He's family no matter what anyone else thinks or feels. He'll figure it out someday.

Park's and Pring's mother came to town when she found out what her daughter tried to do. She spent time with both of her children over the week she was here. Pha and I also met with her briefly over lunch one day to discuss Pring.

"Her father made her this way. I just didn't realize it had gotten this bad. She needs help and care, and I can provide that back home for her."

"What guarantees do we have she won't be back to make another attempt on Wayo's life." Pha demands.

She lays a thick folder on the table and pushes it towards us, "I agree that she needs to be hospitalized for her mental illness. Here's information on the hospital she would be receiving treatment in. It's secure. You can review it. You can also contact the doctors who would be caring for her."

Neither Pha nor I want Pring in Thailand, so we were willing to let her mother take her away. She failed the mental evaluations and it was determined she wouldn't be able to be prosecuted successfully for the crimes she had committed here. So, after my grandparents and Uncle Charong did research into the facility she'd be transferred too, they made some calls and Pring was allowed to be moved. Her mother was very thankful.

Park decided to stay and finish his degree here. He was studying Physics and liked his classes and professors. His grades were also doing well. His mother wanted him to come home with her, but she was unwilling to force him after everything that had happened. I can understand she was leery of leaving him here with us considering what he had almost been an accomplice too, but I reassured her Park would be fine.

I laid down the law regarding Park with those who knew what happened. Everyone could feel how they wanted about him in private, but they would keep their hands to themselves. My friends had grudgingly agreed that as long as he behaved and caused no trouble, they would do the same.

With everything that needed to be said, said. And everything that needed to be done, done. It wasn't long before life went back to its normal and relatively peaceful state.

01.16.2018  9:55 am  US CST

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