Your eyes glance to something on the table. A kids puzzle. It's the little ones with Dino's and cars, one children do to keep their eyes off the needle and distract them from the pain. A few are already in the slots.

"Your friend was messing with that." Claims the doctor, opening the door.
"He was?" You stifle a laugh. The doctor nods and holds open the door.
"We're done here, you can leave now." He says with a smile.
"W-Wha... we're done?!" You exclaim, looking at your arm. There's a bandage on it.
"Seriously!? I didn't feel a thing!!" You cry. The doctor chuckles.
"It's less terrifying than you think." He says with a wink.

You thank him and rush out, walking up to Min Yoongi.

You punch him in the arm.

"OW! What the hell was that for?!" He cries, rumbling his arm.
"That's what you get for being an asshole and making me get a stupid flu shot while making me think we were here for something else and then making fun of me for being afraid when you're the one who dragged me here and–" Yoongi clasps his hand over your mouth.
"Aish, you talk to much. Have you ever considered being a rapper?" He questions with a sarcastic smile. You blush and cross your arms, looking away.
"S-Shut up." You mutter. Yoongi laughs.

"Come on, I'll take you home."
"Oh sure, as if I'll trust you now."
"Wha..!? Are you saying you don't trust me?!"
"Yes, I am saying I don't trust me."
"Shit, I don't you trust!"
"Nice words there, Y/n, really–"
"Shut up! You're the same way on the phone!"
As the two of you slip into the car, Yoongi sighs.
"Anywhere you wanna go?" He asks.
"Huh?" You turn to him as you click in your seatbelt.
"I'm sorry I tricked you, let me make it up to you. Where do you wanna go?" He asks. His eyes are serious.
"The park." You say after a hesitant moment.
"The park?" He replies.
"Bowring." You say. "Bowring Park." Yoongi makes a confused face.
"Never heard of it. Is it in town?"
"Yup. I could drive, if you want."
You can drive?"
"I can drive."
"On your own?"
"You're here."
"What if we crash?"
"We might."
"What if we get lost?"
"There's a chance."
"You're not helping." He says with a laugh, undoing his seatbelt.
"I know." You reply, undoing your own. You swap places in the car and drive to the park.


You stumble around the park. It's dark, late at night. There's a few teenage kids hanging around, probably doing drugs. You climb the monkey bars and mini rock walls with Min Yoongi, pushing him down slides and getting yourselves stuck in baby swings. After a while the other kids leave, and it's just you and him.

"Hey," Yoongi says. The two of you are standing on one side of a giant, yellow, spiderweb-designed climbing contraption that goes higher than it probably should. You're both standing at the top of it, staring at the empty park. The way you're overlooking it you're facing the entire park, and your backs are to the woods behind it.
"Why this park?" He continues. You're slow to respond.
"This park means... it's very important." You finally reply.
"Why?" He asks.
"Follow me."

You begin to climb down the web-like structure, Yoongi not far behind. He slips and falls, landing on his back.
"You okay!?" You question.
"I-I'm fine... nailed it." His voice is breathy. He smiles and stumbles to his feet, whining and rubbing his arm again.
"Congrats, Spider-Man. Now, come on, follow me." You race into the part filled with woods. There's trails, but most are covered over with snow. You hear Yoongi cry out "wait" as he runs behind you. You continue running, memories of sunny days rushing through with your family play back through your head. You see the blue skies, feel the heat of the sun on your childish cheeks, your father smiling at you, remembering you through your memories, a smile full-blown on his wrinkling face.

The memories don't stop until you hear the trickling of water.

You follow it, standing over by a small river rushing past the rocks.
"What... are.... we doing.... here...?" Yoongi huffs. Had you run that far?
"This," You stomp your foot against the rock you're on and Yoongi jumps, somewhat startled. "This is the spot where my parents were married." You say. Yoongi doesn't speak, the only sound is the river flowing. You sit down on the rock.  You're right above the water as it rushes by, taking fallen leaves and broken ice along with it. Silently, Yoongi sits down next to you.

You'll Never Walk Alone (Min Yoongi x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now