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Time Capsule



I unlocked my bedroom door and took a deep breath before I stepped inside.

She was sitting up in the bed and looking around the space, very confused.

Her eyes landed on me, standing in the door way like a deer in headlights.

The confusion flew off, and a look of terror spread across her face and wide eyes. Before I could react, she went into panic mode, and frantically started backing out of the bed. She fell backwards off the bed and let out a loud yelp. I jumped out of my shocked state and ran around the bed to make sure she was okay. She saw my actions as a red flag and backed up until she hit the corner. She curled up her knees to her chest, holding them tight, and tucked her face in them. She watched me cautiously through her hair.

"Please, stay back. Stay away." She warned. "Don't hurt me please." She lowered her already hoarse voice.

I slowly stepped closer and she started to scream and shake. "I'm not gonna hurt you." I squeaked out with a pained voice.

"LIAR!" She screamed. I was taken back by the sudden volume of her voice.

I slowly and cautiously started to reach my arm out and she started to scream louder.

"Stay away from me. You monster!"

My hand dropped and I froze.

You monster

Her words swirled and repeated through my head.

I already knew I was one, but hearing her pained, scared voice say it, hurt a lot worse.

You deserve it, Niall. I thought bitterly.

She shot up and ran out of the room and all I could do was follow her with my sad, broken eyes. I stared out of the open door with shock until I heard the slam of the front door from downstairs.

I managed to hold myself together while I went to shut and lock my door.

I stood there for a moment. My hands started to shake and my eyes started to blur with red.

Pure rage and anger coursed through me.

I let out a mangled, furious scream, and started to throw everything off my dresser.

I threw glass, I threw books and cds, my lamp. I smashed my computer, threw pictures frames. I opened my dressers and threw my clothes everywhere.

I destroyed everything.

"It's all your fucking fault! YOU FUCKING MONSTER!" I screamed.


I pulled the drawers out of the dressers and threw them, causing the wood to smash. I knocked over all my dressers.

Once everything was destroyed, I stood still in the center of the mess, with my hands in shaking fists.

I walked over to my bed. I picked up the bear, and the only picture frame I didn't break. A picture of my Annabelle.

I held both the bear and the frame to my chest as I collapsed onto the bed.

The anger bubbled away and searing pain filled every nook in my heart.

I broke every promise I ever made her...and in the worst possible way...

The flood gates opened and I screamed and sobbed my way to sleep.

Sleep that was only haunted by nightmares...





So, I just wanted to put up a disclaimer and say that this story is about 7 years old, and I was 14/15 when I initially wrote it. I am proud of this story for what it was at the time, but I don't really care for it anymore if I'm being truthful. I feel like at the time I made it too unnecessarily dark for the sake of drama, and it just makes me cringe, haha. 

Regardless, a lot of people have commented that they love the story, so for their sake, I'm keeping it on here. I edited it to the best of my abilities, changed some names, and took out as much of the over the top stuff as I could. 

If you'd like to read something more mature that I wrote as an adult, and is just better overall, please feel free to check out my other book on here. Its called Th13rteen and I'm so proud of it, and potentially want to get it published. 

Thank you for reading, and I hope you guys like this book for what it is. 


WARNING: Drug references, violence, abuse, and sexual content!!!

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