Kumunot ang noo ko. Wait. He's putting another issue, didn't he? I mean, it wasn't because he wants to cover up our adventure in Shamballah, it's that he wants to imply something! Something he want to simply know!

Uhm, what are you talking about, Zeus? It was Lorcan who asked him.

The King slammed his hand on the wooden table. All of us got surprised with the loud thud. Connor almost suppressed a curse, but fortunately, he controlled it.

"It was the Bane! The Recornicon was delayed for forty years, that's why! The population is crowding the Earth!  We cannot deliver souls that much, you know that!." He exclaimed.

I listened intently.

The abnormal openings of the Gate, especially at the South was because of the Death Bane? Do they mean it was already full with souls ready for fishing or reincarnation so they had to close the admission first? And recornicon was like the reincarnation event?

And the population? It's that bad, huh?

Zeus chuckled. "And their souls will turn into dust, somehow, someone in this room has trying to get ahead of Prophecy."

I nudged him again. He shouldn't disrespect his Father! We need to be out of here alive. Freaking alive!

"I really didn't raise you right, Maximilian." The Father's voice was full of disappointment.

This time, I lifted my gaze to him. He was breathing irregularly like an old man almost having an heart attack. But they're immortal, he can't catch that kind of cancer. Well, he hasn't to.

Zeus didn't seem to feel hurt. How can his Father say that to his son? That's horrible!

"Compared to your favorite son, Father? I'll bet hundred bucks on that. You will follow his whims whether it will slow down the Central's exchange exportation." He even chuckled.

I looked at Maximo and he's eyes was pure evidence of greed and anger. If he was looking at me, I would've read if more but he was listening and watching his brother intently.

"Zeus..." I tried stopping him.

But he is still. freaking. ignoring. me.

"Maximo has exceptional skills in handling souls and exchange exportations. If the Prophecy would just give His blessing, I will turn him the King of Agartha for the next years." The King added.

I gasped.

Zeus was the first newborn but how come Maximo get the candidacy? Because of his goddarn skills? Crap! The Caste system here is rotten and smelly! The King is clearly unfair to his sons!

But Zeus didn't just complain about it. Come on, you have to do something!

Wait. Remus's voice echoed through the Link.

Is he trying to divert the topic? He added.

Like a lightning thought. I lifted my gaze to Zeus. His lips twitched at the question. I'm sure he heard the question! He even was taken aback of the question Remus just had stated.

Well, is he really?

"I-I'm sorry, your highness--." I was about to interrupt when Maximo raised his finger in the air like telling me to shut up.

Like, what?

"Let the majesties talk, Lorietta." He hissed at me. And I was ready to rebut when Zeus just escalated things so far.

He slammed his hand on the wooden table and pointed his finger at his brother. I rolled my eyes.

"Do not silence the woman!." He shouted.

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