Chapter 40

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Happy New Year readers! It's been a while as I was travelling and celebrating things like my birthday, Christmas and the new year.  Here's the next chapter for your reading pleasure. 

Qing Hua ran towards the campus. He couldn't hear or feel anything. He had to see Yan Tu. He had to know if it was true. Yan Tu had never been a violent person. It had to be a mistake; he wanted it to be. The idea of the person he'd known for so many years being capable of attempted murder made his blood boil. The person who'd been hurt wasn't a stranger, but his Bao Zheng.

The image of Bao Zheng's battered face and body haunted him. Qing Hua wanted to tear whoever hurt him like that to shreds, even if it was Yan Tu.

Qing Hua's cell phone began to vibrate. It was Tom.

"Hello," he answered, winded.

"Hey, is something going on?" Tom asked his voice laced with concern.

"What do you mean?"

"I just saw Yan Tu. He was acting really weird. I called for him but he didn't stop."

Qing Hua's feet halted. It couldn't be mere coincidence.

"Where is he?" Qing Hua barked into the phone's speaker.

"Jeez, calm down. He was running towards the dorms. Is everything okay?"

Qing Hua disconnected the call and ran. It was Yan Tu... Yan Tu did it. Fury blazed into his muscles, bloodthirsty.

Qing Hua arrived at the dorm. He hurried to scan himself in but his hands were trembling with a blend of fear and rage, and he dropped his ID twice before he was able to scan it through. Qing Hua raced up the stairs. His body felt as if it were on fire with fury. Qing Hua got to his dorm room door. The light inside was off. He reached for his key and realized that he didn't have it. He must have left it in the room, or dropped it somewhere.

He slammed his fist against the door.

"Yan Tu!" He exclaimed. "I know you're in there!"

The room was silent.

"Yan Tu!" He exclaimed. There was a noise inside the room, of something falling. That was all Qing Hua needed.

"Yan Tu open the fucking door!" Qing Hua screamed.

Qing Hua began ramming the door. Yan Tu could not hide forever. The door would not budge. Qing Hua was sweating.

"Hey Qing Hua," someone said, "you locked yourself out of your room again?"

Qing turned around to see the Resident's aide standing behind him.

"Yes," Qing Hua said wiping his brow.

The man pulled out a bunch of keys and looked through them. What was probably seconds felt like hours.

"Here we are," he said unlocking the door and leaving it slightly ajar. "Let's try and remember our keys from now on." He said with an accusatory finger pointed at Qing Hua.

Qing Hua nodded and quickly stepped into the dark room.

"Yan Tu?" Qing Hua said.

Qing Hua tried to turn on the light but couldn't seem to find the switch. Breathless, Qing Hua rushed towards the other side of the room where the lamps were. He bumped into something hard and nearly fell over.

Qing Hua turned on the full flashlight feature on his phone and shined it ahead. The sight horrified him. It was Yan Tu. A cord was tied around his neck and his body hung limp. Qing Hua's breath hitched.

"Yan Tu!" He exclaimed as panic set in. Qing Hua ran to his desk and quickly searched for something to cut the cord with. He grabbed a pair of scissors from his desk drawer and cut Yan Tu down. His body hit the ground with a loud thud. Yan Tu wasn't moving. Qing Hua shook him.

"Yan Tu, Yan Tu!" Qing Hua exclaimed at the limp body laid in his arms.

"Help... Please!" Qing Hua yelled, hoping someone in the hallway would hear him. He searched the ground for his phone, which had fallen out of his hand at some point. He couldn't find it.

"Call the police... My friend..." The words could not escape his lips.

"My friend..." Tears streamed down his face.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and the saw the resident aide appear beside him.

"Oh my God, what happened?" He asked as he dialed the police.

After that everything seemed to go in slow motion. He could hear the aide speaking with the police.

His lips were moving but Qing Hua couldn't hear anything. All he could see is Yan Tu's limp body and the memory of Bao Zheng's battered face.

"Hey Qing Hua!" The Resident Aide yelled at him.

Qing Hua looked at him.

"Does he have a pulse?"

Qing Hua laid his fingers on Yan Tu's neck. The skin was cold to the touch but not yet clammy. He could make out a faint thumping under his skin, Yan Tu was still alive.

"Yes, there's a pulse," Qing Hua said lifelessly. Tears drowned his face.

A short while later, the room was swarmed with medical personnel and campus security. They quickly gathered around Yan Tu, pushing Qing Hua and the Aide out of the room.

"God, I hope he's okay," he heard the Aide say as he paced back and forth.

The paramedics quickly loaded Yan Tu on a stretcher and wheeled him out.

"Did either of you want to ride with him to the hospital?" A paramedic asked.

"No, I can't," Qing Hua said pushing past the paramedic.

The Aide grabbed his arm and said, "You should go with him. I would, but I can't leave my post. Yan Tu shouldn't be alone right now."

Qing Hua walked out of the building.

"Qing Hua," he heard someone call. He turned around and saw Mark standing near the front steps. "Hey what happened?" He asked looking at the unconscious boy on the stretcher.

"Hey can you go with him to the hospital?" Qing Hua asked.

Mark's eyebrows hitched. "What? Why?"

"I will explain later. I have somewhere to be right now." He clenched his jaw and squeezed Mark's shoulder, doing his best not to break down. "Please, cousin."

"Yeah, sure," Mark stuttered. He reluctantly followed the paramedics as they loaded Yan Tu into the ambulance.

Though it was a relief Yan Tu was alive, Qing Hua couldn't stay with him. He had to get back to Bao Zheng.  

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