Closets Are Terrible But Awesome Hiding Places

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A/N: I'm sleepy when I'm writing this, so please excuse my writing skills. Credit goes to some Percabeth head canon I found off of Pinterest, and I decided to expand it into a story because I'm running out of ideas. GUYS, GIVE ME SOME IDEAS!


It was another day at Camp Half-Blood, and Calypso had gone for a long vacation with some other nymphs, leaving Leo very lonely that fine day. Percy and I were the only ones who took sympathy upon him, and he clung onto that sympathy like moth to a flame.

He kept following us around, and speaking way too much about many different variations of numerous machines he was inventing. He kept sticking blueprints and prototypes in our faces all day long, and it was really starting to get annoying.

"I was going to create this phone for demigods, monster-proof, you know," Leo said. "Yes, Leo, you've told us this before," I sighed, putting my head in my hands. We were sitting at a table, just relaxing, when Leo bombarded us with the same inventions he had been talking about earlier.

"I did?" he asked. "Yes. About three times," Percy said, in an unusually calm tone. "Oh. Huh. Anyway, did I show you the design of my Leo-caffeine-bot? A personal robot to fill all your coffee needs!" he said. "You already advertised that, too," I said, getting sick of it.

"Oh, alright. But you guys will definitely not have seen my next invention before! I came up with it over lunch! Let's go to my cabin, and I'll show you the prototype right now. It's not completely finished, but it's pretty great. The introduction to it may last one hour, because it's pretty complex-"

"Okay, Leo, enough!" Percy blurted. His bubble of calmness had popped, because he had finally imploded. "Sor-ry," Leo said in a sassy tone, but then changed his voice to sad, "I'm just so upset Calypso isn't here, you know, and there's no one to really talk about this stuff with."

My heart immediately softened, and Percy must have realized this by the expression on my face because he shot me a look that said, Look, he's doing it again! He's making you feel sorry for him!

I nodded quickly, and said, "Leo, we're so sorry about that, but you've got to find someone else to talk to. Your driving us mad."

"Sorry you guys feel that way," Leo said, sniffling. Percy shook his head no, then said, "Chiron wanted to see us, Annabeth. What time is it?"

I looked down my watch and looked up again, "Oh yes! The meeting, I totally forgot! We're late, Percy, let's go!" I got up and pulled his hand. "WAIT! How long will this meeting be?" Leo called. "Five minutes!" Percy said as we ran into the Big House. "Five minutes!? Well that doesn't give us much time, does it?" I said, slapping his arm.

"Sorry! I panicked!" Percy said innocently. By the time we made it inside the Big House and somewhere on the top floor, I looked out the window see Leo was already making his way towards the big house. I cursed in Greek, and Percy turned to see what I was on about.

"I know a place we can hide," I said, and pulled his hand down a very narrow, dimly lit hallway to the end, and we both squeezed through a thin door at the end of it, and then closed it. We were breathing heavily from running...the Big House was called the Big House for a reason. "Annabeth, there's really bad lighting in here! I can't even see my hands!" Percy said. "Ssh," I whispered, and reached up, fumbling in the dark to find the metal chain. When cold steel met my palms, I clasped the chain and pulled it down, and a dim light illuminated from a single lightbulb hanging above.

"I used to hide here when I was small. When I did something wrong, and I thought Chiron was going to punish me," I said in a low voice. Percy laughed softly, "Only you can find the best... probably worst, hiding places."

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