Alternate Reality [7]

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Those 10 minutes in the shower were torture, Maddox's lips were on her neck the entire time, leaving soft pecks or just running his scruff on her shoulder. She wished Eric would leave his beard on, but he hated it.

It was actually impressive how he hadn't pushed on trying to have sex with her when she'd warned him to not touch her. That didn't mean that he was going to sit on the other side of the shower while it lasted. His hands were always on her sides, holding her back to his chest, when she leathered herself with the soap his hands moved up and down her back, then upwards on her stomach, and up her breasts cupping them.

"What was it that you didn't wanted to talk about in front of the cameras?" Morgan said looking over her shoulder, receiving a kiss on the corner of her lips.

He moved his hands up on her shoulders and to her neck, slowly pressing his thumbs on it. Never in a million years she'd had a shower as relaxing as that one.

"I don't like the way Eric is doing things... They're too violent"

"Eric is too violent" she said closing her eyes and enjoying the massages.

"It's just that... He has no remorse, and  makes us do his dirty work asking us to not have any remorse either, but you can't"

He pulled her back to wash off the soap from her body as he continued

"It's hard to hunt people down. It's hard to drag people out of their homes and throw them in a truck. It's hard to rip little children from their parent's arms. And it's even harder when they look at you with hate"

He reached behind him and turned the shower off, opening the curtain and getting off, helping her out as well.

"When you have all of them, it'll be over" Morgan said while taking the towel and wrapping it on her body.

"That's the problem... We will never have all of them" he said with a little twist of lips.

He wrapped his towel on his waist, water deliciously running down his chest towards his v line.

He held her by the neck and pulled her in for a short kiss, giving her a smile afterwards.

"Let's forget about this alright? I don't like to squash the mood down with work"

She nodded and leaned in for another kiss.

Both of them walked to their bedroom and began dressing up, Morgan inspected her new tattoos further.

She had a full sleeve on her right arm, going up from her wrist, leaves, mandalas, flowers, roses all the way up to her upper arm. She looked at her chest, finding a tattoo in between her breasts. Looking for a mirror, she stood there and cupped her breasts, looking at it. She loved that one, how it fitted her in the skin, she wished she had one in the real world as well.

Of course, in reality it wouldn't look as good, even though Eric said it didn't mattered, having two kids had taken a toll on her body, especially the skin on her stomach, some strech marks were never going away.

She looked for a dress inside her drawer, finding one that had a prolonged cleavage and could show her tattoo freely.

Looking back at her wrist, only five minutes remained.

She looked back at Maddox, putting on his pants and fumbling with the belt.

Some droplets of water were still visible on his shoulders and neck, and even though his hair was wet, it was already styled.

"Maddox" she called.

"Morgan" he replied, she probably didn't call him that. He lifted his eyes at her and gave her a smile.

The Unexpected. [Secuel To The Unknown] {Eric FF}Where stories live. Discover now