Bonus: Bets.

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Morgan and Eric walked hand in hand towards the bar, Morgan had the pictures in her hand as she talked to Eric.

"How do you think they'll react?"

Eric looked down at her and shrugged

"I don't know baby, I mean they'll be surprised, if anything I think I'm the last person they thought would be bringing a baby into this world"


"I've spent a lot of years before I met you and after I transfered here saying that I would never get married, never start a family because those are just... Weaknesses" he looked at her again "you are my biggest weakness, and now my kid. But people change and grow up and meet the love of their lives so" he leaned in and kissed her forehead "having a family with you is all I want now"

"Aww" she cooed while holding Eric by the waist "you're so romantic"

Eric held her by the shoulders and kissed her forehead again.

They reached the bar, Morgan took a deep breath before they got in.

"Don't be nervous, it's not like they're gonna ban us for bringing up this news"

Morgan nodded and gave him a smile, Eric pounded on the door.

The door opened a few seconds later.

"But if it isn't Miss " I don't need your dirty points"" Creed teased

"I gave you back your points because you were being a sore loser"

Morgan and Eric stepped in and walked to the bar.

"Well, we're playing 21 blackjack tonight, it's easy you just have to count to 21"

"You don't say" Morgan said with sarcasm as she let out a chuckle "are we betting?"

"Are you going to win all rounds?"

"If we're betting I am" Creed chuckled this time as they came to the end of the hall and entered the shop, there was a big table set up to the right, the tattooing chairs had been moved to the back for the day.

Morgan looked at Eric as he saluted them and beckoned her to sit on the stood of the bar.

"I have something for you guys to check out" Morgan said sliding down enveloped to the guys, Eric hugged her by the waist. The guys took then and opened then, most if then looking quizzically at them, and of course, Creed was the only one who could understand the mix of blacks and whites.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He said smiling as he looked at the picture

Morgan chuckled as she looked at Eric

"The fuck is this?" Peter said turning the picture upside down.

"Well" she leaned and took the picture from his hand, turning it to the guys to show them "this is the shape of the head" she motioned "and this is the body, I mean you can't see it much, and that little thing is the hand"

"Of a baby" Johan concluded

"Yeah" Morgan said excitedly

"An Eric Junior fucking great" he said with sarcasm, Morgan laughed and looked at Eric, who was smirking as well.

Everyone took turns hugging then and congratulating them.

"You know what that means bitches you better start paying" he said to the guys before bear-hugging Morgan "I'm so happy for you. For the two of you"

"You made a bet on me?" She said half angry, Creed held her by the shoulders looking down at her

"Oh Morgan, Morgan. Did you really thought that having an Amity dad and having a pregnant mother other four times wouldn't increase my ability to detect pregnant women?"

"Detect pregnant women?" She asked

"Yeah, I can tell most of the times. I mean you're showing already, don't think I or anyone didn't noticed"

"Almost everyone in dauntless is talking about that's how I found out" Peter perked up

"Who is everyone?"

"Well, you fainted, that was a thing to talk about, some people at the infirmary heard Andrew talk to Anne, and most of them were Candor transfers, you know how much candor likes the hidden juicy stuff. So that just spread out, I heard it while in practices yesterday and I knew then I fucking lost"

"And we've seen Eric like rubbing your stomach a few times"

Morgan narrowed her eyes at Eric as she glared him.

"Can you blame me?" Eric said leaning closer, Morgan gave him a sweet smile and kissed his lips

"So Creed made the bet that I was and everyone I was not"

"I think Johan said you were too" he said pointing at Johan, who smiled proudly.

"We're really happy for you guys, if anything it was about time you produced the 'heir'"

Morgan snorted and shook her head, Creed sat back at his spot, Eric hugging Morgan again.

"Now, onto the next bet: boy or girl"

Morgan gasped as she looked at Eric

"Can we bet? Is that too fucked up?" Eric smiled and shook his head no "I'm saying its a boy" she said.

"I'm saying it's a girl" Eric said, Morgan turned to him

"Do you really want a girl? Why?"

"For the same reasons you want a boy" he said, leaning in and pecking her lips

The guys made their bets, Creed rubbing his chin malevolently.

"I'm saying...." He paused.

"Your Amity witchcraft will not work, she isn't that big yet"

"I know that's why it's hard. I'm saying a boy as well"

They gathered the points and guarded them in the bet bin they had in the bar. They betted for anything and everything.

"What Amity witchcraft?" Morgan asked

"You can tell the gender by the way the belly grows. I mean it's not scientific, it's always superstition but it works most times."


"Ah, if I tell you I would be forever haunted by the of the many many of my Amity ancestors that have only shared that knowledge with the worthy ones." He said enigmatically "if I went around screaming about it I would start loosing bets, and that's not fun"

Morgan rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"And how did it came to be?" Peter asked, taking the bottle of veer in front of him and swigging it.

"I wanted one" Eric said instantly "and Morgan got hooked on the idea"

"You? Wow" he said lifting his eyebrows in surprise "I would have never pictured you for the one who would like to play house"

"Yeah well, people change" he said eyeing Morgan, she gave him a smile.

"So are you really showing?"

"Yeah a little bit" Morgan lifted her shirt and turned sideways.

"Mmmmh" Creed said walking to her, he pretended to inspect it "how far along are you?" He poked it with one finger.

"12 weeks" she said swatting his hand away and pulling her shirt down.

"Yeah, sorry to break that one to you but that is dauntless cake gut"

Morgan glared at him, and before she could say anything Eric's hand appeared from behind her punching Creed square in the chest.

Creed ended up bent over with a hand on his chest as he howled in pain.

Morgan turned to Eric and gave him a smile.

"Thank you baby"

Eric just winked at her and held her by the waist again.

"So, are we playing 21 blackjack or what?"


Kinda short, really just a filler, but the guys had to know!

The Unexpected. [Secuel To The Unknown] {Eric FF}Where stories live. Discover now