Important Author's Note.

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I’m sorry for not updating, but college has been getting hectic and now I’m at a cross road.

I have a final on the 26th that is super important and super tedious to study of, and if I don’t pass it my whole attending year might get to a stand still.

So I hope you understand why I haven’t been around much and why i take so much to upload, I have constant classes, practices, going from place to place, and work on top of that, so updating and writing in general hasn’t been a priority for me lately.

I will return to posting and updating regularly when I’m done studying for the final and I give it up on the 26th of July. I hope you van stick around until then and I’m truly sorry for leaving you hanging, but I really want to finish my last college year this year.

Thank you all for understanding, love you!


The Unexpected. [Secuel To The Unknown] {Eric FF}Where stories live. Discover now