Thirty Nine.

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"You're leaving the city" Morgan recapped, hand at the sides of her hips as Eric held Aleks in his arms.

"Two hours tops"

"And what happens if you get close to the settlement and they attack?"

"They won't attack"

"But what if?" She insisted

"I have two teams I'll be fine"

Morgan sighed and crossed her arms at her chest.

"You better come back" she threatened

"I will come back" he took a short step to her cupping her cheek and kissing her forehead.

Morgan looked at one of the team leaders that was going with Eric, she heard Eric being called by Peter, and took that distraction to walk to him.

"You know that you're transporting my husband don't you" she called his attention, the guy went rigid and looked ahead.

"Yes ma'am"

"And you do know what's going to happen to you if he doesn't come back right?"

She saw him swallow nervously.

"I do" Morgan nodded, but still took a step ahead

"But just in case you don't know I'll tell you" she leaned in and whispered at him "I'll skin you alive, better yet, I'll have your team skin each other alive" she retreated back "are we clear?"

The guy just nodded fervently, Morgan walked back to Eric and took Aleks in her arms

"Same goes for you" she said, turning around and leaving the hangar. Eric just frowned in confusion and walked to the truck.

He sat shotgun while Gage sat next to him, ready to drive. Halfway to the fence Eric spoke.

"Are people afraid of Morgan?"

Gage snorted

"They're afraid of you. Morgan... They're intimidated by her. It's like a Russian roulette with Morgan, she sometimes says things to people that everyone knows she wouldn't do, but if she ended up doing them, then she warned you. Everybody decides not to test their luck."

Eric listened and nodded.

"Like what she said before we left"

"And then there's that. What did she say?"

"She told my crew if something happened to you she will have them skin each other" Eric smiled

"And do you really think she'll do that?"

"Yeah" he said convinced "it's semantic with her, she won't really do it but if she did ended up doing it then"

"She warned you about it" he finished, looking out the window towards the edge of the city, the fence coming closer.

Eric couldn't deny that he was a little nervous, not only because he was out the city, but because now he had to make it back home, the circumstances had changed, it wasn't just Morgan who would be devastated, his son would grow up fatherless.

They made it to the Department with no trouble, but they meeting with Nita and the new representatives wasn't as good.

"We understand your concerns about the settlement, they are under watch by our people and if they try something we will protect the city, and we agree that you need to have contingency plans of your own. We will send you some workers to help you with an attack drill... But given the unsatisfactory results we had with the team we sent in, we won't send more troops to be trained by dauntless."

The Unexpected. [Secuel To The Unknown] {Eric FF}Where stories live. Discover now