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Eric was quietly signing papers with the report of the testing at Amity, another week of tedious testing had gone by and he was finally done with that faction. Tomorrow he will have to head to Candor, which he hoped was a faster process. He trusted that the true candors will tell him the truth about people that held a secret as big as being divergent.

Then it would be Abnegation's turn, and Eric knew he will find a lot there.

After he finished he walked the trek to the dinning room, it being filled with dauntless beginning their day. He took his cup of coffee and walked up to the leader's table on the upper level of the dinning room as he glanced at the dauntless below him.

The power was cut out, leaving the dinning room in complete darkness. The murmurs of the people filled the air, then, one of the screens of the dinning room lit up, the screens of the laptop of one of the leaders lit up as well.

Then, Morgan's face. God fucking dammit her hair was short again.

"People of the city of Chicago. I'm reaching to every single one of you to tell you that we have all ben lied to" Morgan started to talk "our 'founders', the people that have isolated us in this city and divided us are nothing but liars and manipulators. They created our factions with different purposes, they created Abnegation and have been abusing of us, they created Candor and have been doing nothing but lying, they created Amity and they preach hate and diversity between us and the divergent, they created Dauntless but have us shackled and we are under their will. They created Erudite, and they are the ones who test on us, they're the ones who put divergents over us. They think we are all useless and expendables. They do not care about us. But I do, I care for every single person in this city, and now I'm asking you to fight for your freedom, for what we believe and for the faction system we hold so much respect to.

The founders are located north west of the city, and I need you all to stand up for your beliefs and fight. Fight now, or we will continue to be subjects of people who think we are not valuable. Fight now"

The feed cut off, and a few seconds later the lights went up again.

Eric didn't realized he had been holding the rail so tight his knuckles were white, he looked down to the crowd below him.

They all looked determined, not one single person had fear or doubt in their eyes.

"Get ready" he commanded, the began to walk out of the upper level of the dinning room.

"Are we really going in?" Peter said from behind him as he jogged from his seat to keep up with him.

"I don't care if we have been lied to, these people have my wife and I'm going to get her back"

Morgan felt the floor rumble under her feet and the first explosion hit.

It was meant to blow the room with the generators, leaving the whole department lightless.

"Do we still have a sight on the city?" That was the first thing she heard when she entered the facility, looking taken a back, but inside she had her head in the game.

"No, we've lost all the cameras"

A second explosion hit, this time Morgan was quick enough to turn her head to see the hollograms cut off. She could see the city from afar, and now the city could see them as well.

Susan came running into the lobby and began to yell instructions along with another supervisors

"Everyone get down to the shelter, the shields are down and the resistance might attack, let's avoid any casualties"

The Unexpected. [Secuel To The Unknown] {Eric FF}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora