Thirty Three.

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"How are you today Morgan?" Anne said as she made Morgan and Eric enter the office.

"Ready to pop this baby out" Morgan said as she waddled her way towards the examination table, Eric had to help her sit up

"Let's see" Anne said lifting Morgan's shirt and placing her hands on the sides of her stomach "you are almost full term already"

"Yes, I'm 37 weeks in"

"Tell me if you have been having any of the following. Short breaths, cramps, contractions, heart burns"

"All of it, specially short breath. I can't walk too long, I can't go up the stairs without having to stop" she took a deep breath "like I can't even talk that much"

Eric chuckled next to her.

"It's amazing that you have no stretch marks" she pressed her fingers to feel the baby.

"It's those Amity creams, I've been putting them on for months"

"She's beautiful like that" Eric chimed in from next to her.

"OK so. Now all bets are off, you could be having your baby any day now. If we could let it develop for just one more week, it would be amazing."

"It's not moving much though. I only feel some kicks here and there."

"Well, it's running out of space in there. It's also positioned for birth already. Have you attended childbirth classes"

"Yeah, we both did. We're prepared"

"Are you prepared Eric?"

"She's been holding it for months now, it's time for it to be my turn"

"Do you have the baby bag ready?"

"Yes. Everyone has been gifting us stuff"

"Everyone" Eric stressed.

"OK, everything is more than OK, we just need to wait for the baby to decide to be born and pray he doesn't get too comfy in there. If we go over 39 weeks we'll have to induce you and we don't want that. We want your baby here in the estimated time of two weeks"

"Yes please" Morgan slid down the bed with a grunt "my legs are killing me, my back it's about to snap"

"You're a dauntless woman Morgan. You'll be fine."

"I'll rub you up a little when we get home"

"OK" Morgan sighed and began walking again.

"I'll be seeing you around you three"

Morgan carelessly waved goodbye and kept walking, Eric held her by the low of her back leading her to the exit of the infirmary

"So..." He said, Morgan looked at him briefly as she rubbed her stomach "are you in the mood for a surprise?"

"Do we have to walk far?"


"Do we have to go up stairs?"

"Yes it's one floor above our own"

"Is it like a mind blowing surprise?"

"I hope it is"

"OK fine" Morgan said smirking

They walked quietly to where Eric led her, since Morgan could only walk or talk, not both at the same time since the baby was occupying the space where her lungs should be.

When they finally reached the seconds floor Eric held her by the waist.

"You did it baby"

"Woo" Morgan said unenthusiastically "I've never been up here before"

The Unexpected. [Secuel To The Unknown] {Eric FF}Where stories live. Discover now