Thirty Eight.

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Morgan held herself closer to Eric's naked chest, pulling up her leg up to his own. Eric held her by the waist as he puller her closer. His rapid heart beat was slowly coming back to normal.

"So..." She said looking up at him

"So what?" He rubbed his fingers on her sides

"How was it?"

Eric looked away for a second, and frowned looking back at her

"What do you mean how was it? It was great baby, why wouldn't it be?"

"Well I don't know, maybe because I just pushed a baby through it and it might be different coming back?"

Eric tsked his tongue and rolled his eyes, pulling Morgan closer to him

"Bullshit baby, you're as tight as I remember you" Morgan chuckled and sunk her head back to his chest. "Though that didn't cut it. I feel like I need more"

"Well, I'm right here" she said motioning at herself with one hand.

"Our three hour window is already gone, Aleks will be awake in no time."

"We can go again in a few more hours, he'll probably be awake for a while"

Eric moved his head to kiss Morgan on the head. They remained silent for a while, Eric's hand slowly caressing her skin.

"What are you thinking about?"

Eric cleared his throat and replied

"I was thinking I need to tell Jay to fix me a meeting with some people in the department, I need them to check what structures we can turn into shelters, how long it's gonna take and all that"

"You're seriously thinking about work after you just fucked me?" She lifted her eyes to his

"If I think of something else I'm going to get hard again, and fuck you again, and the baby is going to wake up and we'll have to stop, I'm not up for that"

Eric held her by the shoulders and pushed her back to his chest, moving her hair out of the way to trace her back and a bit of her neck.

Morgan sighed content and closed her eyes, beginning to feel the first wave of exhaustion curse through her body.

Then, the baby monitor perked up with Aleks' shriek. Eric chuckled and moved his hand away from her body.

"Told you" he moved Morgan's leg and sat on the side. "I'll get him" he put on his boxers and began to walk out, glancing at Morgan who smiled thankful at him. Aleks shrieked again.

Eric walked to the bedroom, finally he had gotten Morgan to make him sleep on it, sentencing that he was not going to have sex with his kid on the same room.

He knew that crying was the only way babies communicated, and Aleks' cries always made Eric imagine what he was saying. They were always just a little yell to call you, he never actually got to cry. He always pictured something like 'Hey! Are you gonna pick me up or what?'. That made him smile.

The room was silent when he walked in, being filled by Aleks' little cry just for one second, then dimming back to silence.

He approached the crib and looked down, it took Aleks a little bit to focus on his dad figure, and when he did he gave him a big all gums smile. He mirrored it and took him in his arms, making him face him.

"How's my little boy?" He cooed to him, kissing his forehead "hungry?"

He held him vertically on his chest, one hand on his back and another one on his legs, looking down at him. His thumb was trapped viciously in his mouth as he sucked.

The Unexpected. [Secuel To The Unknown] {Eric FF}Where stories live. Discover now