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"What do you want to snack today Aleks?" Morgan said opening the fridge, she took two containers and turned around to Aleks, kneeling next to him. "Fruits or cereals?" She motioned at both the containers.

She saw Aleks' big blue eyes move between them, his little backpack hanging by his shoulders.

"Fruit" he said pointing at the right. Morgan smiled and put the cereals away.

"This one's got banana, apple and strawberries, do you like those?"

"Yes Mommy" he replied while Morgan opened up his backpack and stored the fruits inside them.

Morgan checked that he was well dressed, that his shoes were tied and his backpack closed.

"Looks like we're good to go buddy" she placed a little kiss on his forehead and stood up, taking Aleks by the hand and walking out of the house.

Aleks had grown so fast in Morgan's eyes, she couldn't believe he was already in day care. They took him off to the city to attend some activities with the other kids of the other factions, and knowing that Aleks was getting bigger and bigger he was developing his sense of community and his social skills fast. But the adults in dauntless weren't a good example of socialization. Specially with Aleks being a little boy.

Morgan walked with him towards the bus where they usually  picked up the kids in dauntless.

Morgan held Aleks by the hand while they waited, but soon enough she felt Aleks tug her down. She kneeled next to him and held him by the waist to her chest.

"What's wrong baby?" She asked, giving him a little kiss on the cheek.

"What happened to that girl?" He said, looking straight ahead, Morgan moved her eye to where he was looking, and recognized the question.

"That's what happens to mommys when they have a baby in their belly" she looked at Aleks, who was silently staring down at the woman. Then he turned to her.

"Like you?"

Morgan's mouth slowly opened, but the screeching of the bus made her stand up without saying a word. She bent over again to kiss Aleks on the crown of his head, then watched him run towards the bus as the other kids hurried to get in.

As soon as Morgan saw the dauntless guards get in the bus and made sure everyone was seated and ready to go, she walked back to her place.

She searched around Eric's office for a calendar, and when she had it she counted.

The last 10 months hadn't been nice to her at all. After she confronted Eric about needing time to have another baby, he didn't mentioned the subject again, and didn't push for Morgan to stop taking the shots.

The first 6 months had passed, and after Aleks' 3rd birthday she quit the shots, bit didn't tell Eric about it, hoping she could make the announcement be a surprise.

What happened was that the first month she tried, her period came, then the second month was delayed only two days, making her eager to take a pregnancy test. She took it at home when she was alone, finding the single red line too disturbing. By the third month, when she took the test again, she could help but to crumble down on the bathroom floor after throwing the negative result across the room.

She was in the bathroom for an hour trying to compose herself, and by the time she came out it didn't pass Eric's inspection the fact that she had been crying.

Those months she had accounted for, the next one was the one she wasn't aware of.

After Aleks became too big and too slippery for the crib, Morgan and Eric set up a little bed in his room, and it wasn't longer before Aleks began jumping on the bed, despite Morgan's and Eric's constant scoldings about not jumping on the goddamned bed.

The Unexpected. [Secuel To The Unknown] {Eric FF}Where stories live. Discover now