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The first week went by.

Eric was keeping his end of the bargain. Still testing Amity and moving towards Candor, he still kept himself updated on what the guys had been digging.

Not wanting to attract attention to himself by jumping to Dominic's throat, he waited patiently for a good excuse to strike, Dominic just had to push him a little bit, and it would be his end.

Morgan was eager to get out of that place. Everyday was a routine that got more and more monotonous with every passing second.

Since she wasn't a divergent, she wasn't paid much attention.

She hadn't crossed paths with Four or Tris either, which was all for the better. She was sure she would kill them if she saw them.

Everyday she woke up, had an insipid breakfast, roamed around the department, had lunch, worked out a bit, and waited for the night to hear something about Eric from Ethan.

She didn't know what Lily did, she just said 'paperwork' when asked. But what kind of paperwork? From the department or from the city?

She wasn't allowed to walk alone the department in curfew hours, which was the worst rule they had for her, since she was a bit of an insomniac. And by a bit it meant that she hadn't had more than two hours of sleep at night ever since she was taken.

She slept soundly, calmed and protected when it was with Eric, and that always warmed her up a bit, knowing that she was a better version of herself when she was with Eric.

Damn, didn't she miss him.

Nearing the seventh night in the department, she was walking towards her room when she spotted Nita, dressed up to work out.

Nita saw her and quickly jogged to her.

"Sleepy?" She asked.

"Not at all, where are you going dressed like that?"

"My team usually trains at this hour, we do night shifts patrolling"

Morgan frowned, it all made sense but she still had a lot of questions. Her team? Did she meant that she lead a team of people? And what did she exactly patrolled?

"Come, I'll show you" Nita said, taking a step back and walking down the hall, Morgan followed suit until the end of the hall, passing her room. Nita opened the door to reveal a gym.

It was a wide open space, a mat like the one at dauntless on one side, dummies on the other, a few punching bags. It was currently filled with 15 men.

They all stopped when she entered behind Nita, and looked at her.

"Morgan, this is the team, they already know you" she dismissed, Morgan just nodded at them and let out a little smile. "Let's get warming up!" She said loud enough for all of to hear her.

They spread out and began training, Nita walked to a set of men who were setting up to spar in the mat.

"We train dauntlessly style here." Nita said confidently, Morgan looked at the first two guys begin fighting.

She felt like she was in her element again, overseeing training, getting easily annoyed by incompetence.

If they wanted to train like dauntless, they needed a dauntless to teach them, simple as that.

When one of them overpowered the other and declared the match finished, Nita looked at Morgan, expecting a verdict.

"And?" She asked. Morgan realized she had linked her hands behind her back, Eric did that as well.

The Unexpected. [Secuel To The Unknown] {Eric FF}Where stories live. Discover now