Forty Seven.

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Eric opened his eyes, turning around on the bed and sitting on it. He moved his arm around, not feeling one ounce of pain unlike yesterday, or he assumed yesterday.

He turned around to find the bed empty, it was 7 already. He stood up from the bed, moving his arm around as he walked out of the bedroom.

Of course it had been Morgan, who else? But how did she get the serum it was denied to him the first time? If she took one of the emergency ones she was going to be in trouble.

He reached the end of the hall and looked to the side of the kitchen, where Morgan was setting down her cup while Aleks sat on his little high chair.

He looked how Aleks made eye contact with him and let out a smile as he wiggled his legs, thumping on the base of the chair.

"Oh my God daddy's alive!" Morgan proclaimed as she gave Eric a quick look, then back at Aleks, who let out a little happy shriek that made Morgan smile.

Eric walked to both of them with a little smile, but before he could hold Morgan's body to his she handed him a little bowl

"Daddy's totally going to feed you while I take a shower"

"We're feeding him now?" He asked taking the bowl and looking down at it.

"Yeah, it's about time and I was hoping you woke up early to feed him yourself"

Eric sat down in the kitchen stool near Aleks and set to bowl down.

He heard Morgan slid one cup of coffee to him and sit down next to him.

"How did you get the serum?" Eric asked, moving the mixture that he was going to give Aleks around with a spoon.

"I hurt some egos"

He felt Morgan's body lean to his, her hand came to one of his biceps, while the other one crawled from his lower back upwards on his spine.

His head moved to her, and Morgan was fast to catch his lips with hers. Eric left the bowl on the table and turned his body to grab Morgan and pull her over his lap.

They shared a few short kisses before Aleks began to complain next to them, and Morgan knew because; one, he was hungry; and two, he didn't like it when they kissed.

Eric didn't let her go so easily, he pulled her kitchen stool closer to him and sat her down, her legs still remained on his lap.

Morgan watched as Eric led a spoonful of apple squash to Aleks' mouth, and how the little one nommed happily. Eric couldn't contain a smile as he continued to feed his little one.

"Yesterday he slept for 16 hours and now he's eating" he said, scrapping the last bit of apple with the spoon. "Only 12 months until we can have another baby"

"Ha" Morgan said as she rolled her eyes "it won't be mine" she shook her head

"Well, I don't know who else's it would be, you're the only one I'm currently fucking"

"Yeah well, 18 months it's still to early to have another baby"

"When do you want another baby then?"

"When he knows how to walk and talk"

"He'll do both at 18 months"

"Properly talk"

Eric did a little eye roll himself, then stood up and took Aleks on his arms.

"You want a brother don't you" Aleks just looked up at him with no expression. Morgan chuckled then stood up, taking the cups and bowls to the sink. "Fine, I'll look for another woman to get me another baby"

The Unexpected. [Secuel To The Unknown] {Eric FF}Where stories live. Discover now