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It took Morgan and Eric another month to develop a good protocol for fence patrolling, one that had almost no faults.

Morgan had expressed the concerns of the Erudite leader to Eric, who tried to quickly set up a team for the new expeditions erudite wanted to make.

That was a challenge on itself, since they were a lot of dauntless who didn't wanted to baby sit erudites.

Morgan had taken care of the training and basic knowledge about the outside since she had been out there for a while. Jay had offered to keep in touch with the people in the department, or as they began to call them 'the outsiders'. That way Morgan only took care of the training, and Eric took care of the faction management that he hated so much.

Morgan had been so focused on getting things going and sorted out, that she hadn't noticed a little detail. Only when she was sitting in the kitchen table with a calendar in front of her, she realized that her period hadn't come last month, and she had a three week delay.

She couldn't wrap her head around it. Sure she wasn't stupid, Eric and her had been going on almost every day, she had completely forgotten to take her shot when she came back into the city, and now her period was delayed.

She had to stop doing what she was doing to close her eyes and think quietly for a second.

Yes, they had agreed that they were going to try and have a kid as soon as they got the divergent thing settled. Granted it was settled, but Morgan had also done a lot of nasty things to Eric. He said he didn't mind them, that he understood why she did what she did, but still, the feeling about the kid could have changed in Eric's mind.

Morgan was about to look at the calendar again, as if it would help at all, when she felt two hands lay on her shoulders.

She yelped and jumped out of her seat, her heartbeat increasing as her hands began to shake.

Eric stood behind her, looking at her worried as she turned around to meet his gaze.

"I'm sorry, I thought you heard me come in" he muttered apologetically.

Morgan swallowed hard as she took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Eric walked to the cabinet and looked for a glass to pour Morgan some water.

He walked to her again with the glass full, handing it to her. She took it with shaky hands and she gulped down.

When she was finished she left the glass on the table, her eyes flying to the calendar again. It was only two more weeks until the next Choosing Ceremony.

"Are you better?" He asked, his hand rubbing her back as she nodded.

She looked up at him again, her thoughts swarming out of control into her head.

"Eric I..."

She stopped herself before she could say anything, Eric pulled an empty chair and sat next to her. He took her hand and covered with both of his.

"You..." He beckoned. Morgan let out a sigh and rolled her eyes. "Why are you so nervous?" He said chuckling "baby it's me" he leaned closer. His hand rested on the back of Morgan's chair as the other one continued to hold her now sweaty hand.

"I know it's just... It's a thing with woman, if our period doesn't come and we start stressing about it, it makes it worse and I don't know if this is the case but" she stopped ranting when Eric frowned in confusion. "I have a delay on my period"

Eric continued to look at her, frowning still. His eyes traveled to the calendar on the table, then back at Morgan.

"Come again?"

The Unexpected. [Secuel To The Unknown] {Eric FF}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora