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Morgan walked to the armory, she had to sign some papers from the last inventory count.

Hopeful she would run into Creed, and at the same time not. Creed would look right through her.

Unlucky for her, Creed was the only one on shift at the moment, other dauntless usually took longer to come back after lunch break, but Creed worked hours after lunch, so he was always there early.

"Knock knock" she said out loud. Creed smiled and unlocked the cage in which he was stationed.

"Your highness" he bowed a little.

"Shut up" she said giving him a little chuckle. It was the first time she had laughed ever since she came back from the hospital.

"Let me finish this last cage and we'll sign everything"

"OK" Morgan leaned back, watching Creed count quietly all the guns that hung behind another cage.

"You feeling better after Erudite?"

"It's been a month" she replied.

"Good, I'm finished here, let's head to the files for a bit"

Morgan followed Creed out of the cage, then walked behind him as he gave all the cages one quick glance, probably checking he didn't miss one by accident.

The file room was wide, several filing cabinets filled it to the brim. It held the info about the gun supply over the years.

Creed fished the last report from one of the cabinets, before handing it to Morgan he looked down at her.

"You sure you're ok?"

Morgan fidgeted in her spot, and gave him a nod.

"Because Eric hasn't been OK, I know him. And to be frank with you, what he did was downright psychopathic."

Morgan frowned in confusion, Creed rolled his eyes and walked to the door. Closing it and locking it he turned back to her.

"I know that it was Francis, and I know you two wanted to kill him. I'm not judging, I'm just saying that Eric went too far"

"I don't know what he did to Francis or his people. I just know he did it" Morgan crossed her arms at her chest, ready to defend Eric on whatever he had done.

"You remember Stephanie? The girl that you hated? She worked in the fence, she helped Francis get in and out. A few days after you came back from the hospital Eric chocked her, then carved in her body with a knife 'I'm coming for you'. He threw the body in the middle of the street behind the fence as a warning to Francis. Now I don't mind him killing people, but that was too far. He's fucking nuts Morgan"

"Creed" she sighed and lifted her hand to rub her forehead

"There was just no justification for that"

"Yes, there is" she was about the say it. She was about to talk about it with Creed.

If she couldn't trust Creed then who could she trust?

"Tell me then! I know you two are hiding something. Morgan it's killing me to see you both like this" he walked to her and placed his hands on her shoulders "come on Morgan. Talk to me"

She wanted to, and at the same time didn't.

"I was pregnant" she blurted out, defeated. Her shoulders slumped down and she rubbed her eyes, tears were about to start falling any second. "And now there's nothing OK? Fucking nothing"

Creed's hands remained on her shoulders, rubbing them slowly as Morgan let everything out.

"I didn't know about it, you should have seen the way Eric looked at me. As if I had fucking betrayed him, I didn't know OK? I didn't!"

The Unexpected. [Secuel To The Unknown] {Eric FF}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя