Alternate Reality [6]

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"I hate you" Morgan proclaimed "I can't believe I'm doing this, I told you I didn't want to"

Eric smirked down at her and pushed the electrodes on her neck.

"I said it'll be fun"

"You don't know that" she said feeling the gurney tilted back, leaving her suspended diagonally.

"Just a peek okay? I'll set down the timer 2 and half minutes. That's half an hour. And if I see you're not having a good time" he tapped at the adjacent screen next to the keyboard "I'll pull you out"

"You'll pull me out as soon as you see me with my other couple" Eric got the serum ready and gave her a smirk.

"Maybe you don't have another couple"

Before Morgan could retore, Eric plunged the needle in her arm, sending her in.

She opened her eyes and shivered, looking around.

Dauntless. She sighs, at least she's home and not in another faction. She focuses her eyes on the fight in front of her.

Two men are fighting in the mat, her arms are crossed as she inspects them.

One of them is a tall, lean guy, with a mohawk and tattoos on his neck.

The next one has a dirty brown hair and beard that extends gracefully from his face, he has tattoos on his arms and a playful smile.

The blonde one attacks, lining himself badly, the other one sees the weakness and pushes his body the other way, not needing a punch or hit to tip him off balance and make him fall.

The bearded one smiles victorious, then looks at her and winks.

She felt a shift below her as memories began to assault her.

She saw herself kissing that men, sharing a bed with him, playfully cooking, dancing, she could even feel her hair being pulled by him as he fucked her from behind.

That was her couple on this reality. Maddox.

But, if she was dating him, then where was Eric?

"Morgan, next up"

She heard a voice to the side, turning her head and finding another dauntless looking down at his pad and waiting for her to get on the mat.

She wasn't as powerful here as she was in the real world, she was just another soldier.

She hopped on the mat while the blonde one gave a walk of shame.

She lifted her eyes to Maddox, who gave her a little smirk as he positioned himself. She gave him a little look, scared a bit, she didn't know if she could take him. Eric was lean and had some muscles, but this guy was just massive.

Morgan positioned herself and took a deep breath.

Jab to the cheek, failed, she grabs his arm and twists, he knows that move, he spins her around, using his legs to kick hers and throw her off balance, she knows that move as well. She kicks her feet back before he can do so, then rises her leg up to his ribs, hitting him. Their arms are still entangled with eachother, but his other hand is free, it goes to her neck. She presses her nails in the weak spot of his wrist, making him weaken his grip on her.

She uses his bent knee to pull herself up and tangles her leg on his neck and the other one below his arm, pushing her upper body down making both of them fall and holding his hand and pulling it up, he grunts and slams his other hand down to conceive.

She lets go and pulls her legs off his torso. He sits up and gives her a smile while the trainer dismisses the team

She smiles back at him, proud that she could defeat him

The Unexpected. [Secuel To The Unknown] {Eric FF}Where stories live. Discover now