After You

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Are you ready for a new year? I wish you a happy New Year's Eve and most of all, a great 2018!

So, last chapter was supposed to be a one shot but some of you asked me for a second part, so here it's. So, this chapter is rated M because there's a sex scene and it will start immediately after last scene of 'sayonara'; this second part is entitled 'after you' and when you read it, I hope you get why...

NOTE 1: Everything in bold italics, it will be the character's narrative, I mean, like an internal dialogue, their thoughts.

NOTE 2: The "X" it's to mark the beginning of a new scene, I mean, a change of scenario and everything between parentheses () it's to describe the scene.

Like always, any review is welcome and thank you in advance if you have the time to leave any comment.

After you

*** Alison's narrative ***

We spend a lot of time focused on the future, planning it, working toward it. But at some point, you start to realize your life is happening now. Not after high school, not after college, right now. This is it. It's here. Blink and you'll miss it or sleep and maybe you'll fall in an eternal sleep...

There's an ever-present sorrow hanging over Emily's look and Alison's notices it. The blonde stares at the brunette standing there, at the tanned girl who was shaking and looking pale; Alison wishes Emily would never know but there's no way to run away neither to denial what was happening with her; sooner or later everybody would notice it, so the blonde takes a deep breath and reveals a secret...

Alison mumbles. – "I'm... I'm... I'm dying, Emily..."

The brunette closes her fists tight, her body gets stiff as the words of the blonde repeat over and over inside her head. Tears want to fall from her eyes, she wants to burst in tears and hug the blonde, but she can't... her body is frozen... her body doesn't move, it was like Alison's words pressed a 'turn off' button inside her and everything shut down. It took her a long moment before she could find any strength to move her jaw...

Emily mumbles with a broken voice. – "And, you... you've been facing this alone... all this time?"

The blonde sighs deeply and she glues her eyes to the IV's drip that's beside her bed...

Alison. – "It looks like my growth is spurred by sorrow... there's no need to spread that sorrow to others..."

Emily scolds. – "Ali!"

Alison. – "This is a supreme directive from the heavens, there's nothing to do about it... there's nothing you can do..."

They look at each other, a mix of emotions is reflected in their eyes... sorrow, love, regret. Emily gulps hard as she stares at the blue eyes of the blonde; the loss of Wayne was tragic for her, if the death of her beloved father triggered the worse in her, then what would trigger Alison's death? Emily can't stop asking herself that question; it's a demon's path she doesn't want but must walk...

Emily. – "Since we were little, I've always done everything for you, so don't tell me there's nothing I can do for you... I'm your killer after all..."

Alison smiles as she mumbles. – "My killer..."

The mention of Emily's nick name brings happiness and nostalgic in their hearts. They stay in silence for a moment till the blonde starts talking...

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