In love with the Beast - 6

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NOTE: Thank you for your comments and likes. It's a pleasure to write this for you! Now, this chapter will start with the previous one ended, the girls with a broken heart. 

In parenthesis, it's to describe the scene, to locate us in the place. Also, please take note that in this story: the beast = Alison = white wolf = wolf...

In love with the Beast - 6

The saddest part in life is saying goodbye to someone you wish to spend your lifetime with. And, while Alison and Emily are dealing with their broken hearts, in, another side of the town...

Paige. - "I really don't like this, Dad..."

Paige's Dad. - "I don't care! This is a tradition!" (He gives her a rifle and says) "Your grandfather taught me how to hunt, and, I'll do the same with you. Tonight, you've to make your 1st kill! A deer, or,..."

Paige cuts him off. - "A wolf..." (She grips harder on the weapon she has between her hands and says with anger in her voice "A fucking white wolf..."

Paige didn't think she had the stomach to kill an animal, but, when she recalls her encounter with that white wolf, when she recalls how powerless, how scared that furry animal made her feel. Paige grips hard on the rifle, and, mumbles with a poisonous voice...

Paige. - "Let's do it!" (Thinking on the wolf, she says) "And, if I find you again, this time, it will be you, the one who'll be scared..."

Vengeance and revenge are just two words for pain. And, sadly, Paige is not the only one embracing its own darkness...

(In a party)

With a lot of empty beers around him, Ben groans angrily. - "Who does she think she is? Emily has tangled with the wrong man. No one says 'no' to ME!"

Darn right, Emily is the 1st girl who hasn't been charmed by Ben since he became the king of the school. And, the brunette hasn't just said 'no', he fell in the mud because of the brunette. Dismissed, rejected, publicly humiliated. Ben can't bear it. Emily should fall for him, she should be grateful that he has put his eyes on her because there's no one as Ben, in his mind, he's perfect, a pure paragon! And, if Emily can't see it, maybe he needs to force her to see it...

Some days later...

Pam pats Emily's back and says. - "Emy, it's getting cold, get inside..."

Emily sadly shakes her head, she's decided to stay on the porch, waiting to see her furry friend to come back home. It has been already a week since the last time she saw the dear wolf. The brunette is so sad because as Alison, it looks like the wolf was also gone from her life...

Pam sits at her side and says. - "That wolf is smart, Emy, I'm pretty sure it's okay by its own..."

Emily sighs sadly, no matter what, even if the wolf may not need her at all to survive, Emily really needs the animal in her life, especially in moments like this, when she's with a broken heart. Emily has already lost Alison, she can't lose the wolf too...

Pam. - "Emy, I..."

Emily stands up and says. - "I'm going to look for the wolf..."

Pam. - "Emy, wait! It's very late and..."

Emily snaps. - "And, I need it, mom!" (She says with a wrenching voice) "I already gave up on Alison for you. Don't ask me to do the same with the wolf..."

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