Do you believe in magic? - CH2

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Hi guys, thanks for loving this 😁
This chapter will start the same night of the previous chapter. Some of you asked, so, I'm thinking that in this story, the girls are very little: Aria & Hanna 5 while Spencer's 6 years old.

Note: Remember that everything in bold italic is the thought of a character, what is in its mind.

Do you believe in magic? - CH2

*** Allison's narrative ***

Two things scare me. The first is getting hurt. But that's not nearly as scary as the second, which is: love. For me, love was just a word till I met Emily and, now, now that I have true love, I refuse to love anything else, anyone else because we fear the thing we want the most and, I'm so afraid of losing something I love, that I refuse to open my heart to another person besides Emily... but that is the thing with love, no matter how much you push it away, it always finds its way to your heart...

Holding the hand of Mary, Aria gets inside of the house which will be her next home for the next couple of days. She is scared, she is always scared of everything, especially of the unknown... the shy little brunette looks down and, hides behind Mary when someone, she doesn't know, approaches to them...

Alison. - "Is she afraid of me?"

Mary smirks. - "You can't blame her, you're a terrifying person..."

Alison squints her eyes and says with a sarcastic voice. - "Ha-ha-ha... Very funny..."

Mary and Alison keeps talking and, Aria is curious to see who has this sweet voice so, she looks up and, the little brunette gasps surprised when she sees Alison for the first time...

Aria. - "Ah ! A barbie!"

Alison blushes a lot, a smile wants to appear in her face but, she bites her inner cheeks in order to don't show how happy she is with the compliment...

Mary. - "Are you blushing?"

Alison. - "No... "

Emily smirks while she walks towards them. - "Off course she is blushing..." (smirks) "You should have seen how much she blushed too when the other little girl called her 'princess'... "

Alison.-"I did not blush! And her name is Hanna, no 'little girl'..."

Emily happily hugs her wife and, says. - "Awww... You call them by their names already!"

Alison rolls her eyes and, Mary chuckles, she's happy to see that Alison isn't so cold-hearted like her mother was. They keep talking and teasing Alison till Emily receives a message from the hospital...

Emily looks at her phone and says. - "They need me back..."

Alison.- "But you just came back home! It's very late too... "

Emily kisses Alison's cheeck and replies. - "There's no schedule to save a life... " (She grabs her jacket and, her car keys when she says) "I've to go, don't wait for me awake..."

Alison crosses her arms above her chest and pouts angry, Emily smiles, she loves Alison's pouts...

Emily says while she opens the door. - "I'll try to be back soon... "

Mary. - "Emily, can I go with you? I still have lots of paper work to do in the hospital..."

Emily nods. - "Yeah sure... "

Mary kisses Alison's cheek and says her goodbye to the little girls...

Mary. - "OK girls, I have to go but Spencer knows my phone, if you need anything, call me, I will be back as soon as I get a new home for you..."

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