Sonata of love part VII

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Hi, sorry for the late update, so this chapter will be the end of this mini story, thank you all for reading this. This chapter will follow after last scene of last chapter. Well I hope you like it...

Sonata of love part VII

(In the Lobby of the auditorium)

Cece confesses everything to Alison, the blonde just hears it in silence as she tries to wipe her tears.

Cece. – "Love's sorrow... anyone would've expected you to withdraw with that piece..."

Alison. – "At first... I was pissed at you... but then midway through, the sound disappeared. Your words, your gestures, your smell... my memories with you turned into notes and flew away into the sky... Love's sorrow. This song reminds me of my mother... you... the scent of fabric softener... the sound of the piano as I looked up drowsily... a quiet lullaby..."

Cece smiles. – "I see... you're an artist no matter what... aren't you?" (Smile) "Your eyes also sparkle now... a lot... they light up, like the headlights of a car... especially when you're playing the piano... it was pouring out of you.. this gentleness, and desire to convey something... it's like you're shouting to the world: I'm right here!" (Chuckles) "You're the kind of pianist who can convey all that..."

There was an awkward silence till one of them started to speak...

Alison. – "So you're my biggest fan..."

Cece chuckles. – "Yes... I'm... I've seen you in all your performance..."

Alison. – "Really?"

Cece nods and she starts talking about each one of them. Before knowing it, they spend the entire day talking about music...

**** Alison's narrative ***

Because of music, I was given the chance to meet others, to find others. I was moved by those encounters. There are people that I got to meet. I got to discover emotion. These are all... memories that a beautiful sonata of love brought me...

(In Alison's apartment)

Emily was nervously waiting for Alison, the blonde needed to talk with her mother alone and she gets it but she was worried about her. She touches Alison's piano, she starts moving her fingers over the keyboard and she doesn't notice when the other girl gets in till the blond sits at her side and says...

Alison. – "Scoot over, I've got to practice..."

Emily. – "Ali! Hey! Don't push me! I'll fall of the bench!"

Alison smirks. – "I thought I heard the piano making some strange sounds. So, it was you, after all..."

Emily pouts. – "What do you mean, after all?"

The blonde smirks and she starts playing the piano; the brunette just stands at her side and eventually leans her head on Alison's shoulder as she keeps hearing the beautiful melody.

Emily asks. – "Are you ok? Do you wanna talk about it?"

Alison. – "I'm ok... and right now I don't want to talk about it..."

The brunette nods and she just roams her eyes towards the blonde and she blushes when she notices her face is just cm of distance from Alison's breast. The blonde notices how Emily is just staring at her chest...

Alison. – "You just leered at me with a dirty look in your eyes! Lusting after me no matter where you're!

Emily blushes. – "I didn't! I didn't lust after you!"

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