Author's note

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Something about me...

5 years ago, I almost died, an appendicitis that got complicated and that was my wake-up call... that's the moment when I questioned everything: my life... myself... that's the moment when I decided to go in a journey because I wasn't happy with my life...

I didn't have money... my Dad didn't support my idea... a lot of my family didn't agree with my decision... but you did it... and I still remember your words....

"I don't have money to support you... I just have this silver coin... so take it... sell it and go into your journey... find your place in this world..."

And with that... with a simple silver coin... you gave me wings.... You gave me the strength to fly... to dream... you changed my world with just a silver coin... that's the kind of man you were... that's the kind of person I lost today...

I don't know if you can hear me; but if I could say you a last word, it will be 'thank you'... thank you grandpa... thank you for giving me wings... thank you for your love... thank you for being you... just you...

I'm with a huge pain in my chest right now... writhing these words, it helped me but it still hurts too much so I'll not be able to update any of my stories for now... please understand...

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