Into the dream - Part III

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Hi, so PLL is back and I don't know you but I just wish that the Emison moments will be a little longer! Anyway, So like I said before this is a mini emison story (finally, it will be done in 5 parts ^^), this is the 3rd part of this story entitled "into the dream"...

Now, this 3rd part will follow immediately after the kiss of Alison & Emily (last scene of last part)

Into the dream – Part III

The kiss, it really took Emily by surprise but she immediately blushed and smiled feeling the soft lips of the blonde on her. The brunette wasn't sure of what she should do or not but when she felt the lips of Alison pulling away, she couldn't control the actions of her own body and she just put her hand on the back of Alison's head and pushed her again against her lips; the blonde smirked under the actions of the brunette; the blonde let a little gap between her lips and as soon as she offered an opening on her mouth, Emily took it and got in.

Emily's tongue just got inside Alison and Emily just melted, touching each cavity of her mouth, the brunette curled her fingers of her hand on Alison golden hair as she deepened the kiss; both girls moaned, feeling dizzy under the kiss; Emily stopped thinking and she just got lost on the kiss, with one hand locked on Alison's head, her other hand started to roam Alison's body, Emily moaned as her fingertips touched the blonde and she just felt herself aroused when she squeezed the butt of the blonde...

Alison pulled away and said. – "Ok... that was intense... but you know that we don't do that in front of the kids..." (She smirked and whispered on Emily's ear) "But definitely we will continue it at night..."

Emily chuckled and bitted her lips; she really wasn't sure of what it came to her to do that boiled move. The brunette blushed and smiled looking confused when Alison grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers as she guided her inside the living room...

Emily asked. – "What...?"

Alison turned towards the brunette and said. – "You might miss the pancakes mermaid, but the girls and I... we didn't want to open the presents without you, so we're going to open them now that you're here... you spent six hours putting those bikes together..." (Smile) "You deserve to see the look on their faces when they opened their gifts..."

Emily wasn't sure of what to say, she just let the blonde guided her towards the living room, for surprise of the brunette, her mom, Pam was already sitting on the sofa of the room, with the little boy on her lap. They opened presents and Emily felt something tingle on her heart by just seeing the big smiles of the girls; they had a lovely familiar Christmas, and for Emily, it was the 1st Christmas where she really felt happy since the dead of her Dad.

It looked that in that 'glimpse', Wayne was also gone but it didn't feel as heartbreaking as it was on Emily's reality, maybe it was because of the love that she could feel coming from her 'family', the brunette couldn't avoid feeling the butterflies flying inside her as she saw the girls playing, smiling, her mom playing and giggling with the little boy and off course, seeing the gorgeous blonde that in that moment was her wife, her wife; the brunette continued repeating that sentence on her mind over and over, still not believing it, how could that be possible? How did she get the 'girl'? The Queen Bee, the heartless blonde, her 1st love, the one that always wanted but never really had it... how they got there? Together... Married... happily married with kids... it didn't make sense on Emily's head and she thought that If that is what she needed to figure out, she was definitely going to look at it...

At night, Pam left and Alison put the kids on bed; Emily just stared from the distance how Alison sang a lullaby to the girls and to the boy that was on her arms; she just melted hearing the voice of the blonde. For the 1st time since she got in that 'dream', she wasn't sure if go back to her old life was what she really wanted; Emily, conflicted with what she just was feeling, she walked to their master room and lied down on bed, staring at the ceiling; she just wasn't sure of what to do, what to feel, all was so strange but then again, it felt so right... Emily was completely lost on her own thoughts that she didn't notice when the blonde got inside the room and locked the door.

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