Sonata of love - Part III

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Hi so here is the 3rd chapter of this mini emison story, like you know, Alison helped Emily and this chapter will start the next day after the ballet trial. Like always any comment is welcome :D

NOTE 1: For the dream part, everything between [ ] it's to introduce the scene, I mean, the dream sequence will show different memories of Alison, so every time that you see [ ], that means that's a new scene, another memory... I hope it's clear...

NOTE 2: In the dream, there will be important sentences, words that you should keep in mind for the entire chapter, they will be mentioned on the chapter outside the dream and I hope you understand the mean of it...

Sonata of love – Part III

(In Alison's apartment)

*** Alison's dream ~ memories of the past ***

[A little Alison (8 years old) playing the piano at home and Jessica DiLaurentis, behind her]

Jessica DiLaurentis. – "Alison, I want you to study the sheet music over and over... and play it again and again and again... that's how you're going to perfect it... just what the score calls for... just as the composer intended... perfectly and precisely..."

Alison nods playing the piano as Jessica is watching over her shoulder; the little girl made a mistake and gets a slap on the cheek...

Jessica yelled. – "You're off again!" (Sighs of frustration) "How many times do I have to tell you?! Just follow the sheet music!"

Little Alison looks down and says with a shaky voice as a tear was rolling over her red cheek. – "Sorry..."

Jessica. – "You're not going to bed until you can play that passage perfectly! Take a good look at it! It's all there in the sheet music!"

Alison nods - "Okay..."

Jessica. – "Once again, Alison... remember, it means nothing unless you come in 1st place always..."

[1st international piano competition]

Little Alison was walking over the main halls; with an empty look, looking down as she heard all the whispering around her...


- Alison's N° 1 again?

- Well, she's a direct disciple of her mother Jessica DiLaurentis...

- I bet there's a sheet music plastered onto those blue eyes (Mocking laughs)

- Look at her arms... they can't hide the bruises from when she hits her...

(Little Alison pulls her sleeves to cover her arms)

- I feel sorry for her... I heard that she practices seven or eight hours a day, right?

- Everyday?! When does she get to play? Most people couldn't stand a life that...

- She really is just like a machine...

As all the whispering continues around the little blonde; the little girl says to herself...

Alison mumbled to herself. – "None of them know what they're talking about... I'm the only one who knows the truth about my Mom..."

The little Alison closes her eyes and she smiles as she's teleported at her most precious memory...

[A little Alison (4 years old) in the lap of her mom, her mom is sitting on the floor; both were with a happy smile as the little Alison was putting her tiny fingers over a piano's kid, a cheap toy]

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