I'm the love of your life - CH 03

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Love, how can a word so simple and tiny be so problematic and complicated? For that and many more reasons, Alison has always been able to avoid anything linked with Love but now that the word has incarnated in the form of a brunette who follows her around like a puppy, well... avoiding it, it doesn't seem like an option anymore. Especially when the brunette doesn't stop looking for the woman of her affection, a blonde who's watching, in the distance.

"She looks like a lost puppy the moment she doesn't find me. Why?"

Alison asks her cousin who's actually working on some paperwork. Spencer rolls her eyes, she's not the girl for this kind of talk, if Alison wants to talk about feelings and that kind of stuff, she should have walked into the classroom of the English teacher, Aria Montgomery. God knows that little brunette loves to talk about love.

"She'll eventually get tired. Her fixation on me will pass, right...?"

"Yeah, sure, I mean you're not exactly a sunshine..."

Alison doesn't appreciate Spencer's sarcasm. She knows she's hard to deal with. She doesn't need to hear it from her cousin. And yes, Alison is not a very approachable person, she's not someone easy to love and yet, Emily walks in the school, every day, looking more and more in love with the blonde. How is that even possible?

The blonde has been cold, even mean and yet, here she's, looking for Alison in the hallways of the school. Students and teachers walk by, none of them is the girl Emily is eager to see which brings a big sadness in Emily's heart.

"Damn it, Pepe makes the same pout each time he doesn't find its toys..."

Peeking through the window of Spencer's office, Alison mumbles when she looks at the pout Emily is doing right now, the brunette is turning her head around, looking for no other than...


She says her name, hoping the blonde will magically appear if she says her name enough times. But, the blonde is unable to put a foot outside the office, even if Emily's pouts are making it very hard for Alison to stay still. The blonde is not a softy, she barely gives in anything and yet, she's struggling to stay still while looking at the sad pout of the brunette who's outside, looking for her.

"Ali, she might stop acting like a lost puppy if you stop hiding from her..."

"Shut up, Spencer!"

Hiding in the office of her cousin is not the answer to her problems, the blonde knows it, she is not the kind of person who hides from her problems, but she's unable to move for now, she is just looking through the window, hidden behind the curtains. Hiding from Emily? Hiding from love? Is that really what life is?

"Are you really gonna hide in my office during all your breaks?"

Alison deeply sighs, of course she doesn't want to spend her breaks, hiding in Spencer's office. But, dealing with Emily and her constant affection, it's too much for a girl like Alison who has no idea about how to deal with feelings at all. So yeah, for now, she's stuck in this office till the bell rings. Or, at least that was the idea, but then she sees a tiny tear appear in Emily's eyes and that's the little push she needed to finally give in, at least for now.

"Are you kidding me? Why would she cry just because she doesn't find me?! Damn it! Damn it! Why does she have to act like a damn sad puppy! Why do I care if she looks sad?! AHHH! This is all your fault, Spencer!"

Of course Alison blames Spencer for all of this when she storms out of the office, but now that she sees the effects of Emily's pout, the blonde teacher might start blaming her dog, Pepe, too for making her become a softy against such a pout.

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