Go Big or Go Home - Part 8

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Hi guys so I know that I said this was the last chapter of this mini EMISON story, but I started doing it and it's going too long, so this isn't the end yet ^^. Now, in this chapter there will be some time jumps. The 1st scene is in the near future, you will see it again at the ending of this story. Hope you like it and thank you if you've a time to leave a review 😊! Love you, guys! See u soon!

Go Big or Go Home - Part 8

*** Narrative ***

It can be scary to find out you've been wrong about something. But we can't be afraid to change our minds, to accept that things are different, that they'll never be the same, for better or for worse.

In the airport, she was reading a magazine while she was waiting to be called. Time flew fast and the boarding for her flight started. She has never liked to wait in the line, so she waits till the last minute to get close to the gate...

Ready to board, she tries to step forward, but she freezes in front of the gate when someone yells "I love you...". With a shocking face, she turns around to face the sweaty girl, who is trying to catch her breath after running all over the airport. Face to face, they stare at each other, wondering what will happen next...

We have to be willing to give up what we used to believe. The more we're willing to accept what is and not what we thought, we'll find ourselves exactly where we need to be,  we'll find what we need to say... before it's too late...

Some months earlier...

On the Fields house, there she was, Emily, assembling a table on the room which was destined to be the nursery of her twins...

Emily. - "Thanks for the help, Spencer... "

Spencer. - "Thanks for the distraction... "

They smile at each other and keep putting the table together, Spencer gazes towards the brunette...

Emily frowns. - "Something wrong?"

Spencer shakes her head when she replies. - "No... I was just wondering... "

Emily. - "Wondering what?"

Spencer looks down, no sure if she should ask or not but she is interested to know...

Spencer. - "I was wondering: have you figured out how you & Ali will do this...?"

Emily. - "What do you mean?"

Spencer. - "Come on, Em, we're talking about the babies... "

The brunette takes a deep breath and keeps tightening the fastening bolts. Spencer narrows her eyes on her and Emily would love to avoid this talk but, knowing Spencer, there's no way that will happen...

Emily sighs. - "What do you want to know?"

Spencer. - "Are you going to co-parent?"

Emily shakes her head. - "No..."

Spencer. - "Why not?!"

Emily. - "She doesn't want to be involved and I... I have no right to ask her more than what she's already doing..."

Spencer. - "So, what? She's going to give birth and, act like nothing happened?"

Emily stands up and says while she settles the table next to the crib. - "Spencer, please just drop it... "

Spencer stands up to follow her...

Emily. - "I just asked her to give birth... She doesn't need to do anything else..."

Under Emison BeatTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon