Day 184

70 6 1

Sin is everything not in God's will for you. We all sin all the time, all sin is really bad. Sometimes it's not the actions itself but the mindset you get into after you sin. Telling a lie who you hang out with most might not really be that bad but when you do it lying becomes more acceptable to you. Most people don't start out committing huge horrible sins they start with little things that don't seem so bad. A punch to get your point across, a lie to avoid an awkward conversation, or little theft to because they weren't using it. None of those things seem too bad but they all lead down paths of destruction.

You can sin by not doing what God wants you to do too. Your eyes can glance over a lonely person and you can over look people saying mean things. But when you do it's sin and sin doesn't lead to anywhere you want to go. Jesus died to set us free from being slaves to sin and He made us part of His household. Ask forgiveness when you sin because that's the only way you can be free from it, then do your best to not sin anymore.

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