Day 91

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One thing I encourage you to do is have intelligent conversations about religion. Not with people in your Sunday school class but with people you talk to everyday. Religion can make people uncomfortable, definitely don't talk with someone who doesn't want to have the conversation or who would get offended by what you were saying. Be aware of who is around you and how they might take the things you're saying. When done carefully though talking with someone about religion can broaden your way of thinking, help you gain new perspectives, bring up things you've never thought about before, and give you a deeper look into that person's life.

Today I got the opportunity to talk with two people my age about Christianity and I felt awesome afterwards. One of the people was a girl raised in a Methodist home but she was now atheist, the other was a boy who is Lutheran. We talked for probably about twenty minutes about rules in the Bible, the best way to raise your kids, questions and other topics like that. We didn't always come to a agreeing conclusion but I know after talking with them my view of Christianity has expanded along with my appreciation for those people. It is definitely not a conversation you want to have with everyone but when the people you talk with aren't going to get offended or really mad at what you say and you all treat everyone else with respect and listen to what other people are saying then talking about religion can be an amazing conversation to have. I encourage to talk with someone about your faith or Christianity in general, I would love to have that conversation with you and I'm sure you can find someone else who would be willing to talk to you like that in your life.

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