Day 112

89 3 2

Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are all the same thing. They're called the Holy Trinity which is a really confusing concept. Think about H2O; water, ice, and water vapor are all the same thing. They are all made out of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, but it has three distinct forms. God is kind of like that and He has been since the very beginning, when the John when it talks about the creation at the beginning it mentions God, the Word, and then the Word becoming flesh. It's the three forms of the same thing. That's why Jesus is God and He is God's son at the same time. The other way I've seen it explained is through a fidget spinner, one prong of the spinner was labeled Father, one was labeled Son, and the last one was the Holy Spirit. This way you see that they are all connected and need each other to function but they are all separate at the same time. The Holy Trinity is going to be confusing because there isn't really a way we can understand perfectly here one earth. That doesn't mean we can't try and expand our knowledge of God but it does mean that we will never ever understand even part of God completely.

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