Day 59

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You don't want people who don't care about you or don't like you in charge of your happiness. However when you let what they did hurt you long after they did it that's exactly what you're doing. You need to move on and forgive them so that you can be happier. For a lot of people forgiveness is hard, not necessarily when someone says one mean remark but when people betray you or constantly bully you that's really when forgiveness is hard. As much as I wish there was there isn't a certain way for you to forgive people. Each situation is different but the forgiveness will come through God. When you pray ask Him to help you forgive them and pray that good things come there way. It's nothing special to be kind to people who are nice to you but when you are kind to those who scar you even if it's just a small prayer you say be yourself it shows amazing things about your character and about your Lord as well. Remember Jesus on the cross praying, "Father forgive them." And look to see the people you still hold things against, forgiving won't be an easy road but when you do it you can free yourself from them.

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