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When we get outside we walk to a white car. It was obviously a sports car but I couldn't tell the brand. Zack opens the passenger side up for me and I get in. He jogs around to the drivers side and gets in. He starts the car and starts to back out of the drive-way. I've never seen a guy so eager. But I mean you offer them sex what else are they going to do?

"You sure Dylan won't beat me again?" he laughs.

"Yea, don't worry about him" I smile at him. Zack carries on a conversation and we pull up to an apartment complex. I get out the car and he puts his hand out and I grab it as he pulls me inside the building. We walk up some stairs and my heart started pumping faster. What the hell are you doing Josephina? You said that to make Dylan jealous not to really come home and sleep with the guy. Zack opens up his apartment door and looks at me. I smile and I walked in and he turns on the lights. It was pretty much was I was expecting for a bachelor pad. The door closes behind me and I feel Zack come up to me. I bite my lip as he starts kissing around my neck. It's happening? Right now? This is too fast. I hurry to turn around and he stares at me.

"Don't hate me" I said,

"You're not going to sleep with me are you?" he asked.

"No... I'm sorry" I said.

"Yea, I had already guessed that" he says taking his shoes off.

"Could I stay here for the night tho, so I can make Dylan think I did sleep with you?" I asked and he laughs.

"Sure. You can take my bedroom and I'll take the couch" he says taking his jacket off. I stare at him as he disappears to the back and started to look around. Zack was super sweet for letting me stay here with no strings attached. He come back out and throws a pillow and a blanket on the couch.

"You're okay that I'm not sleeping with you?" I asked and he looks at me.

"You're hot, don't get me wrong. But any girl who tells a guy who she likes that she will rip his nuts off, is definitely in-love with that guy" he says and I laugh and look down. "It's okay Josephina... I get it" he adds and I smile at him.

"Night Zack" I said walking away from him. I find his bedroom and close the door. I had to lock it because I didn't really know Zack. I had to take precautions. I take off my shoes and lay down on his bed. My mind rolls to Dylan. I wonder what he was doing right now. Who am I kidding? He probably took a girl home right now and their in his bedroom. I roll my eyes at the thought. I should have told Naomi I was leaving but I bet she was already drunk she wouldn't be able to remember anyways.

The following morning when I woke up, the door was still closed and locked. I grab my phone to see it was about 10am. I had a few missed calls and text messages and I roll out of bed. I really hope Zack is up so I could go home. I carry my heels and opened the door. The smell of coffee surrounds the air and I come into the living room. Zack was shirtless and had glasses on. He was on his laptop and papers surround him.

"Morning" I said and he looks at me.

"Hey" he smiles and stands up.

"Smells good" I said.

"Yea... I went out and got coffee and donuts" he said walking over to his small kitchen.

"Oh, yum" I said going over there to pick up the coffee. I started to drink it and it had nothing in it and I make a bitter face and Zack laughs.

"I didn't know how you liked it, but I did grab some sugar and cream" he says.

"Thank you Zack" I said grabbing the packets and dumping them into my coffee.

"You ready to go?"

"Eager to get me out?" I joke.

"Not at all. I just feel like you want to get out of those clothes" he says. I look down at my bralette and my mini skirt and he was right. "I'll go grab a shirt, would you like something?"

"If you don't mind" I said and he laughs and heads to the back. I drink my coffee and munch on a donut as I waited for Zack to come back. He hands me a green t-shirt and I hurry to slip it on. "Thank you"

"No problem" he says picking up his keys. I grab my heels and follow Zack out of his apartment and down to his car. We both get in and he starts the car and we make our way to Dylan's. "So you and Dylan..." he says and I look over at him. "How does Dylan O'Brien... get a girl like you?"

"A girl like me?"

"Well I mean... looking at you then looking at Ava. There's a big difference, no?" he says and I laugh and look down.

"I use to be super uptight. And Dylan... I don't know. He made me get out of my comfort zone. He was something new and exciting in my life"

"So if you guys both like each other... what the hell are you guys doing now?" he said.

"Well... I mean. He was messing with Ava and I made-out with Cole, so there's that"

"Maybe if you guys stop playing games with each other... you could actually work on being a couple again you know?"

"I wanted to but Dylan doesn't"

"Well why don't you make the first move? Stop trying to make him jealous or something. It's only going to get worse" Zack says looking at me. I bite my lip and looked away. He makes a good point. When we arrive at the house, I turn to look at Zack.

"Thank you Zack"

"Of course" he says and I get out the car. I wave him goodbye and started to walk to the house. When I get inside, everyone was up. I mean it was about 10am but still. I close the door and they look over at me.

"THERE YOU ARE!" Sawyer says and I laugh.

"You truly sound like a mother" I said putting my heels down on the ground.

"Walk of shame..." Naomi laughs and I roll my eyes.

"You went home... with that Zack guy?" Sawyer asked.

"Wait... how'd you know that?" I asked and Sawyer points to the back. I follow her finger to see plastic covering the back door. My mouth drops open as I realize there is no door. "What the hell happened?"

"Dylan happened" Naomi says.

"He didn't take it well that you went home with Zack" Sawyer says sitting down on the couch.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Cole said he brought home some girl from the party last night. They haven't come out yet" Naomi answers.

"Where's Cole?" I asked.

"In his bedroom, he also hasn't come out of his bedroom. Something tells me he didn't take it well either" Naomi says. I shake my head and started to head for the kitchen. I grab a water and started to drink it and I looked to see Sawyer had made some waffles.

"Oh yum" I said grabbing a waffle and started to eat it. "Mmm... cinnamon" I smiled.

"Umm... when do we go caveman and eat with our hands?" Sawyer says.

"Sawyer, leave me alone. I had a long night, okay?" I say walking away.

"Umm... we're not done yet" Sawyer says and I walk to my bedroom. I close the door and set all my things down on my bed. I walked to the bathroom and started the shower. Zack was right... I was tired of playing games with Dylan. I wanted us to get pass all of this even if that means stay friends. I was going to talk to him today and hopefully he feels the same way. After my shower, I changed into some leggings and a t-shirt. I let my damp hair hang down on my shoulder and slipped on some socks.

I walk out my bedroom and stare ahead as Dylan's door opens the same time. My heart drops as I stare at the female who stands next to Dylan. She looks back at me and froze.

"Josephina?" she says.

"Brielle?" I said and we stare at each other. I look over at Dylan and he looks confused and I shake my head as tears start to form. "My sister? Are you serious?"


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