Chapter 30 - A Glee Wedding

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I sang background dancing around with Santana and Brittany. We soon got in formation as we danced in front of the choir room as the others circled around Miss Holiday. Rachel, however was the only classmate who looked less than pleased with Miss Holiday. Towards the end of the numbers we were dancing across from the guys and it just so happened that I was paired with Puck. "I see you driving 'round town with the guy I love and I'm like forget you. I guess the change in my pocket wasn't enough so I'm like forget you and forget him too," I sang to Puck as I pushed him. The lyrics definitely related to how I felt about him and Santana together. I know I didn't have a right to be jealous, especially since I had Sam but I couldn't help it. "Said if I was richer, I'd still be with ya, ain't that some shhh. Although this pain in my chest I still wish you the best with a forget you ooh ooh ooh ooh," I sang as I danced with Mike this time as we ended the song cheering and clapping.

Glee Club felt together, like how it used to be when we would have jam sessions. Mr. Schue had done a great job with us and everything but sometimes I definitely felt like we were at our best when we were loose. "Let's go get some tacos!" Miss Holiday said enthusiastically as we cheered. She was definitely a nice break from Mr. Schue, I had to admit it. As great as Mr. Schue was he didn't always take our opinions as seriously as he should. The bell rang as we left the choir room, thrilled to have Miss Holiday, at least for the week.

Having Miss Holiday all week turned out to be fun and a good time but when it was revealed that she had taken over Mr. Schue's job due to Sue being in charge, we all couldn't help but be devastated. As great as Miss Holiday was we didn't want to lose Mr. Schue. He had done so much for us. "Guys this is a huge problem," Rachel frowned as we nodded. "As much as I love Miss Holiday, Rachel's right. Coach Sylvester was just looking for a reason to fire Mr. Schue. As much as it pains me to agree with her we can't just sit around and do nothing," I said as Rachel smiled at me "Thank you Quinn." I nodded as the others agreed. We were going to campaign to Coach Sylvester to bring Mr. Schue back.

"Q, what are you doing in here?" Coach Sylvester asked as I entered. "Coach Sylvester I want to talk to you. You shouldn't have fired Mr. Schue," I said as she narrowed her eyes at me. "Is that so?" she asked. "It is. You see how Miss Holiday handled the whole tater tots situation with Mercedes. If Mr. Schue had been in charge, Mercedes would've been stopped before she shoved them up your tailpipe," I said confidently as Coach Sylvester seemed to nod. "Go on," she said. "Besides that Mr. Schue helped me when I was at my worst. Throughout all the pregnancy drama he was there for me. He accepted me despite what I put him and the rest of the club through last year, especially when Finn almost quit," I insisted. "You know what Q, you make a lot of fair points. This is why I wanted you back on the cheerios where you belong. You are ruthless and will do anything to get what you want," Coach Sylvester smirked. "What I want is for the school to be successful. Us being successful during your principal rule it will help the school board see that you are the true fit for McKinley High," I smiled. "Outstanding Q," Coach Sylvester commended as I smirked "Now get the hell out of my office." I obeyed leaving her office feeling proud of what I had accomplished.

We all cheered upon the return of Mr. Schue. "Alright, alright, thank you very much, guys. Please, please, sit down," Mr. Schue said as we all took our seats. "Just... Thank you... For that and... and for all the kind words you said about me to Sue. The feelings are mutual. Now, we got to get crackin', though. We lost a few days there, and it's all gonna be about focus and hard work for the next couple of days." "I guess Ms. Holliday really is gone," Puck sighed as Mr. Schue got us our new sheet music.

"I know you guys liked her, and she was a lot of fun, but she and I both agreed that this is what was best," Mr. Schue said. "Don't get us wrong, Mr. Shue, we always wanted you as our teacher. She was just kind of a nice break," Tina said. "She did loosen us up," I agreed. "And she actually had some good ideas for a sub," Artie said. "Yeah. I get it," Mr. Schue laughed nervously as he handed us out our sheet music "And maybe we can, uh, incorporate those... after sectionals."

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