One: Moving Day

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So today's the day, I never thought I would be leaving home this early, but due to the circumstances of my new job it's just something I'm going to simply have to deal with.

"Are you nervous" my mum asks me from across the driver's seat.

"I suppose so, I mean I'm moving away from home, I'm not ready to become an adult, it's too soon." I'm starting to get flustered speaking to my mother, the feeling is indescribable, I can't seem to think straight, this is really happening, I'm starting a new job in LA.

"Don't worry about it sweetheart, it's your dream you've been wanting to accomplish this dream since you were 10."

"I know mum it's just I never thought I'd be living my dream so soon."

"Just think in a few years' time you could be a publisher, you could be creating books, I'm just so proud of you Ava."

"Thanks mum, it's just it's going to be stressful juggling college studies and a publicizing job."

When I got the letter saying I got the job at Hamptons Publishing, I was ecstatic, I and my parents couldn't stop crying, the only downfall is that I have to work some days of the week and all weekend when I could be studying or catching up with coursework. I do praise the company though they did send a letter into the college to excuse me on some days while I was working through the day. I would have to catch up on the days I didn't have work.

So the school and the company came up with a compromise, I work on Monday, Friday, Saturday and half day Sunday, the other days I would spend a college studying.

I just hope I can cope with it all.


"We're here darling" I heard my mother whisper to me as she shook me awake, I must've dozed off on the way here.

"I'm sorry your father couldn't make it today to see you off, you know how work is for him."

"I know I just wish it wasn't him that got called in today, off all days it was today."

"It's something that can't be helped though Ava, you seen how distressed he was when he found out he couldn't wave his little girl off to her new job, I just hope they can take down these gangs, they've been around for months."

"I understand mum."

My father has been working at LAPD for 5 years after being transferred from London police, my mum's an accountant for one of the local banks while I'm currently in my 2nd year of college studying publishing and creative writing.

As I'm staring at my new apartment in the complex while my mum gets my keys for it my mind wanders to what my life would be like if I didn't take this job, would I still currently be in my abusive relationship with Josh, still showing up with fresh purple and black bruises on my olive skin and with searing pain travelling throughout my body. I shudder at the thought of still being with my scum of an ex-boyfriend, it's his future and wife and children I feel sorry for poor things. My minds in a daze which I am soon knocked out of by crashing into a tall stranger.

"Hey! Watch where you're going girl." He hisses

"Oh-um, I'm erm sorry." I stutter

"Yeah whatever." He says before storming off.

After that all I'm left thinking is what the hell was his problem as well as being mesmerized by his beautiful jade green eyes and tan skin.

Ok so this is my first fanfic that I have managed to pluck up the courage to write, so please bare with me and I hope you enjoy it, I've got a lot planned for it.

Jade x

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