Chapter Two~ The Fear of Fear

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The sun dips behind the trees, illuminating the patchy leaves and framing the branches in a warm, watery light The color is not one that can be reproduced, captured with a paintbrush, or stored in the farthest corners of the mind. It is a spur-the-moment color, that lives and burns with beauty in the now. Like each finger-print, unique and magical in it's own special way,  it places a glowing hand-print on your heart.

"What's your favorite color?"

Honey brown eyes shine with light, his smile oozing a goodness only certain people are capable of possessing. Maybe he was just born that way, better than the rest? Maybe it was the way he was raised, or maybe he was just chosen to be above the bar? His name pulled out of a hat. Naoki.

"I think all the colors are wonderful, how can one be better than the rest."

He wore a thoughtful expression, one almost too wise for his baby face. His eyes were large and round, with long full eyelashes. Smooth cheeks, pink lips.

I stare, wondering how someone can be so genuinely good. No ill intent or harsh comments came from his mouth. I had never seen him frown since his sister's death. Perhaps he just enjoyed life to its fullest, and cherished every moment. Or he had some secret philosophy passed down in his family for generations that promised eternal happiness and good will. I would never know.

"True, but don't you think some colors are just ugly? I've never been very fond of red. It seems to almost speak to me and I don't like what it says," I paused momentarily, running over what I just said in my mind. "I think I sound crazy right now," a breathy laugh escaped my mouth.

"I've never experienced that. And you're not crazy. However, you might be crazy for thinking your crazy," he teased, his nose crinkling up.

I smile in reply and dangle my feet over the side of the tree. We had to be close to twenty feet off the ground, but the height just sent a thrill through me. Naoki clutched the branch tightly, his fingers practically white. I look down, my chest thumping with something that both scared and excited me. Adrenaline? Probably, I honestly had no clue. I scoot closer and swing my legs back and fourth.

"Do you think I would be crazy for wanting to jump?"

Naoki's head snapped towards me, his eyes wide. "Yeah, that I would. That's suicide!"

I shook my head, leaning back. "I don't think so, I just like testing myself. It makes me feel. . ."

"Stupid?" Naoki offered, huffing.

I sent him a glare and shook my head, "No, I was going to say. . . Powerful."

"Only a fool wants power."

"Only a person who is insecure about themselves would say that," I retorted haughtily.

"One who denies, lies to only thyself."

"Someone who always lectures just wants to feel superior. And I direct that right back at your first comment."

"Touché," he chuckled.

I started to climb down the tree, waiting for Naoki to follow. He doesn't. It was close to dark and I feared that my father would be upset if I didn't come home. I jump down, landing in a crouch. I look up one last time, to see if Naoki has changed his mind.

"You coming?"

"No, I feel like staying. I'm tried of people right now. I'm just picking up vibes that I need to be alone."

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