Part Two~ Prologue

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I run, it's only instinct after all. I run from everything I have known for the passed few months, only to find that the world hasn't changed one bit. While I sat, rotting in a place most only dream of, Mother Earth kept spinning. The people kept moving, never once knowing the real horrors that take place on their very own soil. I've come to know the world is just ignorant that way.

The sky is the same old blue as it has always been. But I find the color more of a comfort than anything. While things inside of me have changed so drastically–feelings and thoughts–the world has remained indifferent. I am not oblivious to the changes that have been happening inside of me. They're as noticeable as the ones on the outside.

I am thin. Thinner than I have ever been. Even when I lived in Tokaichi, I was in better shape. My skin hangs off my brittle bones. It's a pale sickly yellow. My eyes are sunken holes. My teeth and ears sharp. My hair matted, bedraggled. I'm certain I look monstrous. But I quite like the idea.

It'll be something he can fear. As he takes his final breath, the fear will shine in his eyes. And I'll smile. I already know what I plan on doing. I realized during my time spent in Otogakure that the Akatsuki are cowards. They say they fight for peace, but such peace isn't possible. The world will never stop fighting.

It's what makes us humans. You can strip us of everything we have. Our freedom, our words. Our children. But the small sliver of hope you can never break. You can't control us. But I can.

They're all fools. Maybe they thought I wasn't strong enough to save. I'm sure that's what they thought. But that's the chink in their armor. I'm stronger than all of them. All of them combined. They will die trying to achieve their ridiculous dream. It won't happen. The nations will just rebel. It's just what people do.

I sputter, coughing in the cold. I have been running and I have exerted too much. My body was not ready for this. I keel over, my hands on my knees. I methodically raise myself to stand, and take a few steps. My legs shake, my head is spinning. Leaves crunch underfoot. They're slick with dew. It's not long before I fall.

I fall to the ground, face first. Stars explode in front of my eyes, twinkling with unearthly light. It's night, the sky is dark. Everything is dark. These times are dark, I know it. Something is brewing, maybe a storm? I'm not sure. The colors swim. Finally one settles. It's black.

Hushed whispers, blurs of faces. I groan, trying to escape the pain. I can hear things, but nothing makes sense. Where am I? I feel confined, cramped even. I toss, my head rolling.

"Oh, she's waking up!" one voice whispers.

Another gruff voice speaks, "Poor thing, probably went mad from the cold."

The softer voice, the one from before, sighs in agreement. "I'm surprised she lasted through the night. Makoto picked her up on his home from work. Said she was covered in frost!"

"Truly a miracle."

"Yes, indeed," the phantom voice clucks.

I moan, the simple sound burning my throat. My head feels damp, my breath heavy. I slowly open my eyes, but the effort takes every ounce of energy I have left. There is two woman, both quite pudgy, leaning over my bedside. My furrow my brows in confusion, sitting up.

"No, no! Don't hurt yourself! Lie back down!" one of them chides.

I blink at her, not quite understanding. The other scurries to fetch a pillow. She quickly tucks it behind my back, patting my hand gently. I give her a weird look, trying to solve the puzzle.

"Are you feeling better, dear?"

I stare at her, blinking. "Y-yes," I manage to croak out. "Where am I?"

"Hush, now. You're safe. You need to rest."

My mind is foggy, and it's easy to agree. I succumb to sleep soon enough, letting my eyes close once more.

Itachi's POV

I cough, trying to cry myself to sleep. Except no tears come. I look disdainfully at the bottle on my nightstand. It looms over me, teasing me. Killing me.

I can only have one, I know that. I haven't the time, nor the energy for the both of them. The question is, Sasuke or Mayumi?

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