Chpt 13~ Shudders Day And Night

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 Sasuke's POV

"Come, Sasuke. We have much planning to do" Orochimaru demanded smugly.

I turned around, frowning. "Orochimaru-sama....You're going to keep your side of the deal right? To resurrect her mother?"

Orochimaru let out a shrill laugh and blew air through his nostrils. Looking me straight in the eye, he sighed. "Sasuke...You have a lot to learn."

He turned around and sauntered down the hall. I glared at the back of his head, and looked back in the direction Mayumi went in. She would trade her powers in for her mother? I shook my head, and turned follow numbly after Orochimaru. Only he was gone.


I turned around to see Kabuto standing there, his hands blazing with his famous chakra scalpel. My eyes widened, but I regained my look of composure.

"What's the matter, Kabuto?" I asked arrogantly.

I saw his anger flicker for a moment but he was very good at covering it back up. "You mustn't feel like your obligated towards her. You don't even know who she is. None of us do. But, I'm pretty sure I know more than you."

I stiffened, gave him a sweeping glare. "What do you mean?"

"She's far more powerful than she looks. Mainly because she has more followers than you would ever dream to believe. Powerful enemies. Perhaps the most powerful."

"What do you mean by powerful!?" I quipped. "Who?!"

He chuckled, and ran his hand through his hair. "That...Orochiamru will have to tell you."

I clenched my teeth, and snarled. "Tell me Kabuto!"

He shook his head, smiling sadistically. Taking a few steps back, he was now at the end of the hall. I rushed forward to find that he was gone. I whipped around as fast as I could.

"Don't get attached to her Sasuke. You''ll regret it, because I promise you, the only deal Orochimaru is going to strike with her is one of death."

My eyes widened in horror, and I turned around as fast I could. Mayumi...

 I took off down the hall, not once looking back at Kabuto. Something about him didn't seem right. Was he Orochimaru's loyal follower, or not? His motives were too shifty to tell. I pealed my thoughts away from him, and onto finding Mayumi.

My breath came in frantic gulps, and my legs shot out from underneath me. It was as if they involuntarily pushed themselves harder, urging me to go faster. My shirt's fabric scraped against my torso, making a constant swishing sound. My footfalls made no sound as I twisted around sharp corners.

Around each bend, corpses littered the floor. No blood was stained on the guards clothing, not even on the ground. Some of their eyes were still open, while others were closed. Those that were open were cold and lifeless.  Their bodies already seemed so pale.

I suppressed a shudder, but never stopped running. It felt as if at any second someone was going to pop up from behind a corner and try to stop me. I had looked over my shoulder many times already, checking to see if Kabuto was hot on my tail. He wasn't even following.

Finally, I raced around a corner to see a door slightly ajar. My heartbeat sped up, but my feet slowed down. Anxiety flowed through my body, but something else was also their. A longing. For what, I had no clue.

Blinking, I took several steps forward until I reached the door. The handle was cold in my palm. My breath seemed to freeze in thin air. Something stirred inside of me.

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