Chp 10~ Brain And Brawns

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It seemed as if months had passed since I had first been captured, but I wasn't sure because I had lost track of time. The days and weeks blended together for me, making it very difficult to find out the time span. I had pretty much given up hope that the Akatsuki was going to come rescue me; if they even knew where I was. But I still held onto my heart. I made sure of that. Every hour of every day, I would fantasize about Itachi sweeping me off my feet; but only coming back to the realization that would never happen.

My kekkei genkai was still unusable, so I figured Orochimaru must've put a chakra bound on it. It didn't bother that I didn't have anything to defend myself with, because I didn't specialize with any weapons. I relied mainly on my power, and I focused on mastering that the most. Sure, I knew the basics; how to hold and throw a kunai, but I wasn't exceptionally gifted.

Plus my muscles hadn't been able to move and stretch out in over seven weeks, there was no way I was going to be able to fight to the full affect. My food was rationed, and my normally slim body was now even thinner. Most of my muscle had deteriorated, and I was left weak and helpless.

I remained chained to the bedpost, only being released to go to the bathroom and shower. Which I found harder to walk to as the days went by. I hadn't seen Orochimaru since the day I first came here. It was mainly servants walking up and down the halls, or Sasuke seeing if I needed anything. Other than that, I was utterly alone. Isolated from any contact whatsoever from human beings, and cut off from daily functions. I was trapped.

I shifted my weight, and lightly tugged at the metal cuffs. My skin was red and blotchy from all the friction I had caused from pulling on the chain. My hair had lost it inky black luster, and remained dull and split ended. But still, I refused to give into Orochimaru and his request to become another one of his many experiments.

The more I saw Sasuke, the more I became disappointed of him. I had little of his story, but I knew he had disbanded from Konoha, and attempted to kill some of his former team mates. The very thought of it made a sick feeling settle in the pit of my stomach.

Sighing, I banged my head against the bed post, suddenly getting the anxious feeling of free. Much of the wood the bed post was made of had splintered away from my constant yanking. But much of my skin was scarred and raw from the constant event.

Casually, I kept tugged at it, knowing that it would no be no use. Still, I repeated the action, not willing to give in. Sasuke had once given me a look sympathy, or what sure did look like sympathy. His eyes weren't as hard to read as Itachi's–who's I knew like an open book, but quite difficult for someone not looking.

I blinked as the door creaked, and slide open silently. Sasuke appeared in the door way, which was unusual because he usually would just walk into the room without a problem.

"Hello Sasuke, how are you?" I asked, mustering up a smile.

"Orochimaru-sama wants you to train" he replied, dodging my question.

I had observed Sasuke enough to know when he was having a good day, or a bad day. Even with his usual dark aurora. Confused, I lifted my eyebrow in retrospect.

"Really now?"


"Well, then...Could you unchain me?"

He gave me a skeptical look but eventually came closer to me. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You really need to learn to trust people, Sasuke. I know it must be hard, but I don't want you to end up like me," I noted sadly.

He frowned slightly, and hastily released me from the chain's evil grasp.

"Thank you," I breathed, rubbing my wrists in astonishment.

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