Chp 12~ Mission Impossible

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I watched silently as drops of condensation dripped down the stone wall of my room. A single drop glided down the wall with grace that only dew drops seem to possess, and added its fair share to the puddle below. It must be raining...My mouth was parched, and my head was throbbing. Maybe my boredom caused it, but I was pretty sure the gnawing feeling in my gut was a factor too.

Paranoia. That's one way to describe it. Concern. There's another. It had been a little over 3 months since I got captured, and still no sign of the Akatsuki. It made me resent them a bit. The way they worked themselves under my skin, and into my heart. Only to leave me for dead here. But I couldn't blame them, they were criminals after all. Designed to kill and capture. But I expected better out of Itachi. And it bothered me to think I loved him still. That he still owned a piece of my heart.

Maybe they didn't know where I was? But surely they would've gone looking for me. Or maybe I wasn't worth looking for. The girl who could control blood. They might've replaced me, but what good would that've given them? I scrunched my forehead, and tried to ignore the shooting pain in my temple.

If I listened real closely, I could hear the drum of the rain on the hollow ground. Sometimes when I had nothing else to think about, I wondered how far below the earth we were. If someone could hear my screams when I called out for help. But I highly doubted that, no one was listening anyway.

Another drop clattered to the floor, and I licked my dry lips. It had been awhile since Sasuke had stopped by to see me, but I figured he was busy. Since our spar, Orochimaru decided to give me more freedom. I was allowed free range of my cell-like room, and did not have to be changed up. As soon as I stepped out of the training room though, the jutsu that was cast to block my powers was put back on. I was disappointed, because I had planned to escape if they had forgotten but of course they hadn't. I wasn't expecting them to. They always lived up to their word, not matter what.

My stomach abruptly rumbled, and I groaned slightly. Banging my head on the wall, I tried not to focus on the gut clenching hunger that was eating me alive. I had lost a lot of my muscle do to my stagnant posture. My eyes had dark bags under them do too insomnia, and lack of nutrition. I felt older, and drained of my energy. I tried to rekindle the fire that once was burning like a raging flame inside me, but now it was just a glowing, distant ember. A spark of light. A light faint and vulnerable. Dejected and melancholic.

Shadows danced along the walls and crevices, playing tricks on my eyes. On days I was feeling really delusional, I'd try to make out shapes within the shadows. Sasuke had often heard me mumbling to myself about animals or figures I had seen on the walls, and sometimes second guessed my sanity. Once, he had even sat down with me, and tried to help pinpoint images. Even thought he must of viewed it as a crazy game, it was something I enjoyed.

Since I have been trapped here, I have seemed to enjoy little things more and more each day. Sasuke's smug smile or smirk. The way the cool sheets of my bed greeted me after another disappointing day. The sound of a door creaking open when I had a guest. I still pined for something to show me the light in the attic, the meaning to why I was sent here. I did not understand why I was here, if I refused to join Orochimaru in his terrible experiments. I did not understand why he didn't just drug me, and inject me with one of his vicious chemicals. Why I wasn't not like the others by now.

I had seen Sasuke's seal. I had never asked about it, nor had we talked about it. But I knew it was there. I did not know how it got there, but nevertheless I knew it was there. And that was useful knowledge by itself. In some ways though, not having a seal made me feel special. Like they were saving me for last, and we all know how the saying goes. Best for last. But something about it also made me dread the fact that I was the only one without a cursed mark. All the other ninjas had an advantage. A burden to carry, and to hold. Something they had to be reminded of every time they fought. In a way, I was grateful. In others, not so much.

A Certain Revenge (A Uchiha Love Story) PENDINGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن